  • 學位論文


A Semantic, Discourse, Pragmatic Analysis of the Chinese Adverb “Jihu” with Pedagogical Applications

指導教授 : 陳俊光


現代漢語副詞「幾乎」在不同的句法結構中,其表述的義項不同,不僅在時間、空間上有不同的範圍和程度,在情態上亦有不同的語用層次。本文分別由句法語義、篇章、語用三個平面,以共時研究為主,歷時研究為輔進行分析與探討。 首先藉由《現代漢語八百詞》中所列出「幾乎」的兩個義項,和其所配搭的句法結構進行分析歸納,將「幾乎」的義項更清楚地劃分,並考究各義項的制約和情態成份的影響。經過義項的分析,我們進一步對「幾乎」的副詞分類作全面的考量,不再局限於單一次類,以解釋某些語言現象。為更明瞭「幾乎」的來源,藉由對「幾乎」的歷時研究,透視其由實詞虛化的語法化演變過程,瞭解「幾乎」的形成與發展。 經過上述句法和語義的分析,將「幾乎」融入更大的篇章平面,先由表層結構探討「幾乎」在句子和句子之間是否存在某些方式的篇章銜接功能;並由信息結構說明「幾乎」在句中突出焦點的作用。接著由人際互動的層次進入語用平面,藉著由「合作原則」、「禮貌策略」和「言語行為」探究「幾乎」的模糊語用功能;並由交際雙方的信息認知討論「幾乎」的預設關係;再以說話人視角分析「幾乎」的話語情態功能。最後藉由上述三平面的分析討論所得的結論,將其運用到對外漢語教學上,作為華語教學之參考。


幾乎 語法化 焦點 語用預設 話語情態


In modern Chinese adverb, the word Jihu (幾乎) differs in its meanings during the usage in different syntactic structures; it is not only diversified in the area and level of time and atmosphere but also differs in the situation of different pragmatic aspects. This research is distributed into three sections as of firstly the syntax structures and semantics, then the discoursed textual func-tions and lastly the pragmatic presupposition. Meanwhile, this research focused mainly on the synchronic part as well as the diachronic part as the minor analytical investigation. Referring to the book, XianDaiHanYuBaBaiCi《現代漢語八百詞》, there listed two meanings of Jihu (幾乎); the book included the syntax structures of Jihu (幾乎) to show the clarification analytical structures of Jihu (幾乎); the book listed all kinds of conditions and modalities that Jihu (幾乎) may en-counter and affect. After the analyzing the definitions of Jihu (幾乎), we cate-gorized the word into more specified groups of adverb instead of just one unique group to explain the different linguistic conditions. To clarify the un-derstanding of Jihu (幾乎), we examined the historical part of the process which how Jihu (幾乎), as content words, turned into function word; we examined the formation and development of Jihu (幾乎)’s grammaticalization. From the mentioned analysis of syntax structures and semantics, it led the word Jihu (幾乎) into a larger discoursed textual function area. The analysis began with the basic structure of whether Jihu (幾乎) can be placed in between sentences as a linkage between sentences or any other textual functions. And from the information structure, it focused and highlighted the function of the word Jihu (幾乎). With the corporative principle, the politeness principle and the speech acts, it entered from the interpersonal level to the pragmatic level to investigate the pragmatic vagueness function of the word Jihu (幾乎). Later we investigate the knowledge and understanding of message that was sent between both parties to analyze the presupposition relationship. And we analyzed Jihu (幾乎) in the discourse modality from the aspect of the speaker. Hence, accord-ing to the analysis from the three sections, we can therefore use the analytical conclusion above to enhance the teaching Chinese as a foreign language as a reference of pedagogical applications in teaching Chinese.。


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