  • 學位論文


The influence factor of user's actual behavior for applications of QR Code in interpretive brochures

指導教授 : 吳祖銘


近年來政府大力推展行動科技的應用與觀光產業發展的雙重驅動之下,許多民眾在進行旅遊地區的觀光遊憩時,除了旅遊解說文本的閱讀以建構旅遊地的知識外 ;也因為有行動科技的運用,使能迅速連結旅遊地區的外部資訊,對旅遊地區將有更深入性、即時性的解讀。 隨著智慧型手機的普及,針對行動載具的連結運用有越來越多的實證與關注,行動條碼即是透過行動載具連結傳統與數位的一個良好媒介,過往針對行動條碼的研究從使用者觀點出發的論述較少或僅考慮使用者之使用意願。由於行動條碼在國內推廣許久,近年更有許多活絡應用的實例,因此若能從使用者在行動條碼實際採用因素做切入,將使用者實際使用的觀點納入旅遊解說摺頁的討論,將更完整的探討行動科技該如何有效延伸傳統出版品的論述,發揮「傳統-科技」的綜效,增進未來推廣行動觀光的內涵。 故本研究即是要探討影響使用者在旅遊解說摺頁媒合行動條碼上的實際採用因素 。先針對行動條碼目前應用的實例與旅遊解說摺頁的發展現況之資料、文獻進行整理;並將科技接受模式作為本研究之立論核心,加入「主觀規範」、「認知有趣性」、「便利性」、「個人創新特質」發展出本研究架構,透過問卷調查法的方式,以驗證使用者在使用旅遊解說摺頁中的行動條碼,受上述構面影響而採用之程度與探知使用者特性。 經研究分析結果顯示:(1)「認知有用性」與「認知易用性」對「態度」與「使用意向」有顯著影響;(2)「認知有趣性」對「認知有用性」、「認知易用性」與「態度」無顯著影響;(3)「主觀規範」對「認知有用性」無顯著影響,對「使用意向」顯著影響;(4)「便利性」對「認知有用性」與「認知易用性」有顯著影響;(5)「個人創新特質」對「認知易用性」有顯著影響,對「認知有用性」與「使用意向」無顯著影響;(6)「態度」對「使用意向」有顯著影響;(7)「使用意向」對「實際使用行為」有顯著影響。最後本研究依據前述文獻蒐集與實證後的結果,提出若干當行動條碼應用於旅遊解說摺頁上需要補足的建言與後續研究建議。


Recently, the government having dual-power pushing on giving impetus to the application of mobile technology and the promotion of tourism industry. When people go sightseeing can not only using interpretive publications to help understand better the place they visit but also applying mobile technology to link external information about tourist destinations. People can deeply and instantly understands visiting places. With the rise in the use of smart phones, there are more and more instance study and concern about the application of mobile device. QR Code is a good media for mobile technology that can be read on the mobile device as well as bridging the tradition and digital marketing gap. According to the previous study, it was little focus on user’s point of view. QR Code has been widely used in recent years, though; the user’s perspective should have been taken into the discussion. Integrated the mobile technology into interpretive brochures produce synergy between the use of tradition and digital. The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the influence of user’s actual behaviour for application of QR Code in interpretive brochures. First, organize the current QR Code ‘s application and interpretive brochures’ development; second use technology acceptance model (TAM) as research framework and combine other external variables including “Subjective Norm”, “Perceived Playfulness”, “Convenience”, “PIIT” to develop the struction of this study, via questionnaire survey to figure out user actual behaviour and characteristics. The result reveals that: (1) “Perceived Usefulness”, “Perceived Ease of Use” toward attitude had a significant impact (2) “Perceived Playfulness” toward “Perceived Usefulness”, “Perceived Ease of Use” and “Attitude” had no significant impact (3) “Subjective Norm” toward “Perceived Usefulness” had no significant impact but toward “Behavior Intentions” had a significant impact (4) “Convenience” toward “Perceived Usefulness” and “Perceived Ease of Use” had a significant impact (5) “PIIT” toward “Perceived Ease of Use” had a significant impact but toward “Perceived Usefulness” and “Behavior Intentions” had no significant impact (6) “Attitude” toward “Behavior Intentions” had a significant impact (7) “Behavior Intentions” toward “Actual Behaviour” had a significant impact. At last, based on literature collection and empirical results, the researcher propose a number of suggestions in applying QR Code in interpretive brochures and recommendations for further studies.


