  • 學位論文


A Study on The Relationship of High School Students’ Sports Participation and Sense of Happiness-A Case Study of Yunlin County

指導教授 : 蕭嘉惠




This study is to understand the relationship among sports participation, motivation and the sense of happiness, based on the subjects of public high school students in Yunlin County. The study tool is based on the “Questionnaires for High School Students’ Sports Participation Behavior, Motive, and Sense of Happiness.” Ualid questionnaires are processed with descriptive statistic analysis, multivariate analysis of variance(MANOVA),and Structureal Equation Modeling(SEM). The study results were as the following:1. Public high school students’ sports participation frequency was 2.86 times per week, 40.7 minutes each time, of the moderate intensity. 2. The motivation of sports participation was to pursue team motivation, peer recognition, and healthy physical fitness. The average score of Sense of Happiness was 3.59, which indicates a degree of the upper level. 3. In terms of gender, sports behaviors of students in sports clubs, and participation motivation and sense of happiness, a significant difference was found. 4. For the personal sense of happiness, individual’s motivation of sports participation as well as participating behaviors influence one’s feeling of happiness. Thus, the motivation, participating behaviors, and sense of happiness are statistically significant in casual relationship and the mutual influencing model of the three factors was found valid.


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