  • 學位論文


The Participants’ Experience of the Wilderness Solo Program

指導教授 : 謝智謀


本研究旨在探討野外獨處課程參加者之體驗歷程,了解他們在歷程中的覺察與發現,並探究野外獨處課程對參加者的意義與影響。研究對象為國立體育大學參加「獨處與生命反思」課程的十二位研究生,課程主要分為兩個階段,第一階段的獨處實作為期24小時(一天一夜),第二階段的獨處時間則是70小時(三天三夜),採定點反思性獨處的方式進行。 本研究採用質性研究取徑之深度訪談法(in-depth interviews)蒐集資料,以互為主體的態度與野外獨處課程參加者對談,透過他們的主觀經驗描述和研究者的反覆閱讀、理解,以主題分析法萃取出五個主題。主題一「從荒蕪到豐盛的旅程」描述野外獨處參加者之體驗歷程;主題二「停駐,躺臥水邊安歇」、主題三「凝望,擁抱真實自我」以及主題四「跨越、生命更新成長」分別從自然體驗、孤獨體驗和跨出舒適圈的行動這三個方面來呈現參加者在獨處歷程中的覺察與發現;主題五「持續發酵的正向改變」則闡述野外獨處課程對參加者的意義與影響。最後根據研究結果對實務工作者及未來研究提出建議。


The purposes of this study were to discover the inner source of participating the wilderness solo program, also the meaning and influence of their perceptions and discoveries. The participants in this study were 12 National Taiwan Sport University students, who jointed the course of “ Solo and Life Reflection ” . This course was separated into two sections. The first section was to be alone for 24 hours, and the second section was to be alone for 70 hours. During the reflective solo isolation, the participants should keep in a limited area. The method of this study adopted the in-depth interview of qualitative research. The interview proceeded under a intersubjective way. Through the subjective description of the participants and the understanding of researcher after repetitive reading those data, five essential themes of the experiences were uncovered by thematic analysis. The inner source of (a) The journey of empty to rich. The perception and discovery of (b) Resting by a river, (c) Embracing the true “Me” and (d) Making a breakthrough. The meaning and influence of (e) Keeping going toward the positive way. In the end of this study, some suggestions were proposed for practitioners and future researchers.


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