  • 學位論文


The Effect of Peer Authority Concept and Types of Command on Five-Year-Old Children's Authority Judgment.

指導教授 : 廖鳳瑞


本研究檢視在不同同儕權威概念及命令類型下,五歲幼兒的權威判斷情形。同儕權威概念包括具有社會地位特徵、知識與技巧特徵及幼兒個別特徵的同儕權威角色,命令類型包括道德性命令、中性命令及社會性命令。本研究採用個別訪談方式進行,研究樣本為149位新北市的五歲幼兒,施測的工具為自編的「同儕介入幼兒違規事件之情境故事」,施測的內容共分成三個部分,第一部分在測驗受試者對於具有幼兒個別特徵的同儕權威概念,第二部分在測驗受試者對不同同儕權威概念及不同命令類型之命令的合法性及服從性判斷,並對判斷的理由進行解釋,第三部分測驗在中性命令下,兩種具有不同同儕權威概念特徵的同儕給予相對立的命令時,受試者對於需要優先遵守何者命令的判斷,最後施測結果以二因子相依樣本變異數分析、卡方考驗進行統計分析,並將幼兒對於具有幼兒個別特徵的同儕權威概念及合法性與服從性判斷理由進行歸類。本研究的重要發現如下: 一、 五歲幼兒認為同儕權威概念包括社會地位特徵、知識與技巧特徵及幼兒個別特徵;具有幼兒個別特徵的同儕權威概念包括:外在特徵、內在特質、知識與專長、友誼關係四種類型,其中友誼關係是構成幼兒同儕權威概念的最重要因素。 二、 在道德性命令下,具有社會地位特徵的同儕最有合法性及服從性,而知識與技巧特徵則必須依賴社會地位特徵的存在才具有合法性及服從性。 三、 在中性命令下,具有社會地位特徵、知識與技巧特徵的同儕都具合法性及服從性,不過社會地位特徵的合法性及服從性大於知識與技巧特徵。 四、 在社會性命令下,幼兒對於合法性與服從性的判斷不一致,在合法性的判斷上,幼兒認為只有社會地位特徵才具有合法性,在服從性判斷上,幼兒的判斷情形與中性命令相似。 本研究根據上述結果建議未來研究可以針對本研究所發現具有幼兒個別特徵的權威概念進行探究,亦可以探究社會規範及情境因素對於幼兒同儕權威概念的影響;除此之外,研究對象亦可延伸至五歲以下或學齡階段的兒童。


This study examines the five-year-old children’s authority judgment with regard to different peer authority concepts and the types of command. The peer authority concepts consist of three authority attributes: social position, skill and knowledge, and personal authority attribute. The types of command include three types: moral, neutral, and social. This study used the method of individual interview. The subjects were 149 five-year-old children in New Taipei City. The tool used of the interview called ” the peers intervened the violation events”, which have three parts of assessment. First, it assessed their peer authority concepts from the peer who possessing personal authority attribute. Second, it assessed their evaluations of commands from different peer authority concepts and the types of command in judging legitimacy and obedience, and the rationale of judging. Third, it assessed their evaluations of commands from the peers who possessing different authority attributes and their choices between different peers who gave opposing commands in the neutral command. Finally, the data from the assessments were statistically analyzed by two-way ANOVA, and Chi-square. Besides, the peer authority concepts from the peer who possessing personal authority attribute and the rationale of judging were generalized. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1. The five-year-old children’s peer authority concepts include social position authority attribute, skill and knowledge authority attribute, and personal authority attribute. In addition, personal authority attribute include external figure, internal figure, skill and knowledge, and friendship. Especially, friendship is the most important element of peer authority concepts. 2. The subject weighted social position more heavily than skill and knowledge and personal authority attribute in judging legitimacy and obedience in the moral command. However, the subject weighted skill and knowledge more heavily than personal authority attribute in judging legitimacy and obedience when the peer both possessing social position. 3. The subject weighted social position more heavily than skill and knowledge in the neutral command, but they weighted both of them more heavily than personal authority attribute. 4. The subject used different ways of judging legitimacy and obedience in social command. They weighted social position more heavily than skill and knowledge personal authority attribute in judging legitimacy, on the other hand, they weighted skill and knowledge less heavily than social position but more heavily than personal authority attribute in judging obedience. Suggestions were according to the results show above for future studies, which can investigate the peer authority concepts from the peer who possessing personal authority attribute, and the effect upon the social norm and social context. Besides, the subject can extend under five years old or above that age.


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