  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 曲兆祥


在國際性行政革新及政府改革風潮下,為求提昇國家競爭力,我國亦正積極進行政府改造工程,其中政府組織體制的檢討改革,亦是主要重點,並以推動政府機關(構)法人化為重要策略之一。行政院組織改造推動委員會於91年11月間研擬提出「行政法人建制原則」,作為推動政府機關(構)法人化政策,實務上檢討操作的具體原則。92年2月間開始進行「行政法人法草案」的研擬討論, 93年6月23日總統令公布「中央行政機關組織基準法」,該法第37條明定行政法人之設立、組織、營運、職能、監督、人員進用及其現職人員隨同移轉前後之安置措施及權益保障等應另以法律定之。 大學「法人化」之推動乃在賦予大學自主性,透過大學彈性經營,使學校能夠根據自身目標與條件及外在環境之變化,作出合理之措施,提升學校經營效率,達成學校經營目標。 本文擬以「行政法人化之現職員工權益保障問題研究~以國立大學為例」為主題進行研析探討,從行政法人制度分析中了解行政法人定義、類別、行政法人之理論及行政法人運作基本原則,我國政府機構推動行政法人制度之演進,以及臚列世界主要先進國家推動公法人制度之實例,同時藉由省府組織精簡改革經驗、日本國立大學法人化之實施及我國大學法修正草案中「行政法人國立大學」專章規範,探討對於國立大學法人化後現職員工權益保障之相關問題。


Under the trend of international administrative innovation and government reform, in order to enhance the competitive of the nation, Taiwan (the Republic of China) is actively carrying out government reform projects. One of the key focuses is to review and reform the government administrative system, and a key strategy is to promote the institutionalization of government agencies. The Organization Reform Promotion Committee of the Executive Yuan proposed the “Principles for structuring of administrative institutions” in November, 2002. The said Principle served as a concrete guideline for promoting the institutionalization of government agencies and evaluating the empirical practices. The study and discussion on the “Draft of Administrative Institution Act” began in February, 2003; and in June 23rd, 2004, the “Basic Law for the Organization of Central Government Agencies” was promulgated by the President. Article 37 of the said Basic Law stipulates that the establishment, organization, operation, duty, supervision, recruitment, and the settlement and rights protection of present employees before and after the transfer, etc., shall be separately prescribed by regulations. To promote the “institutionalization” of universities is to provide them autonomy. Universities with a flexible management style could adjust to their objectives, criteria, and changes in the exterior environment. Therefore, they could make reasonable decisions which promotes efficiency and achieves the managerial objectives of the school. The paper explores the theme, “Rights Protection for Present Employees under the Administrative Institutionalization of National Universities.” Through analyzing the system of administrative institutions, we study the definition of administrative institution, its categories, the theory of administrative institution, and the basic operational principles for administrative institutions. Meanwhile, we review how our government agencies introduce the administrative institution system and how major developed countries promote administrative institutionalization in practice. Furthermore, we explore relevant rights protection for present employees after the institutionalization of national universities, based on the experience of down-sizing of Taiwan province government, the institutionalization of national universities in Japan, and the Chapter of “Administrative Institution of National University” in the draft revision of the University Act. Key words: Public Legal Person (Public Judicial Person, Public Institutions), Administrative Institutions, Administrative Institution of National University, Draft Revision of the University Act, Draft Revision of the Administrative Institution Act..




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