  • 學位論文


The Relevant Influence of Different Lifestyles and Resources Possession on the Adaptation of Female New Immigrant in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳秀蓉


摘  要 本研究旨在探討新移民女性於雙文化的衝擊下,其生活差異、資源擁有對適應的影響,期能作出推論與建議,以作為新移民女性生活與情緒適應輔導策略的參考。 本研究採問卷調查法,以桃園縣內之新移民女性為研究對象,採「立意抽樣」抽選樣本,共計發出255 份問卷;回收問卷215 份,回收後的有效問卷共209 份,有效率為97.2%。問卷內容分為二大部分,第一部分為「個人基本資料」,第二部分為新移民女性生活差異、資源擁有與適應之調查。研究工具中自編之新移民女性生活差異、資源擁有與適應之關聯調查問卷,透過專家效度檢核、因素分析、項目分析等建構效度與信度,完成正式量表。所得資料分 別以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關及階層迴歸等統計方法,以SPSS12.0 版進行分析。 研究結果得到以下結論:不同背景變項之新移民女性,對生活差異的感受、資源擁有的程度及適應狀況的探討上,發現:1.新移民女性在不同國籍與有無工作經驗上,會影響各人整體生活差異感受,其中原生國籍為菲律賓者在飲食生活差異上的認同度明顯高於印尼國籍者,而有工作經驗的新移民女性較無工作經驗者對於飲食文化的認同感受較強;2.在資源擁有方面,夫家經濟狀況富有或小康者,在經濟資源的擁有上均明顯較清寒、低收入戶者來得好;無工作經驗的新移民女性明顯較有工作經驗的新移民女性來得樂觀;無語言溝通能力的新移民女性在經濟上較語言溝通能力好的新移民女性有較佳的資源擁有程度;3.在適應方面,新移民女性之國籍、教育程度、有無工作經驗及語言溝通能力等背景變項會有顯著差異,包括:菲律賓籍新移民女性在社會適應上明顯較越南籍新移民女性來得好;國中學歷新移民女性的家庭適應情形,明顯高於高中學歷的新移民女性;有工作經驗的新移民女性明顯較無工作經驗的新移民女性生活適應情形為佳;語言溝通能力佳的新移民女性的情緒適應情形明顯較語言溝通能力差者來得好。4.在新移民女性生活差異與資源擁有及適應間的關聯上,生活差異與資源擁有兩組變項間皆呈現低度正相關現象,資源擁有與適應兩組變項間,則呈現中度正相關。生活差異與資源擁有對新移民女性適應的預測性上,研究顯示愈能保留與利用其資源擁有者,對其「適應」則愈有所助。對新移民女性在台適應情形,生活差異與資源擁有約具五成的推估力。 根據本研究的結論與發現亦提出相關的建議,包括對政府相關單位、民間團體及學術界,作為政策制度的擬定、改善及未來研究等方向的參考;當然也提供 新移民女性自身及其親友能更快樂適應生活的具體作法。


Abstract The study was aimed at probing the relevant influence of different lifestyles and possess resources on the daptation of female new immigrants who are now living in Taiwan and under cultures different from their own. This research was made by questionnaire. The sampling objects are female new immigrants living in Taoyuan county. 255 copies of the questionnaire were randomly sent and 215 returned. Of 97.2% returned copies, 209 were available for the research. The questionnaires contain personal data and data of relevant investigation of the different lifestyles of immigration female, resources possession and life adaptive scale. All data were respectively evaluated and analyzed with methods of descriptive statistics, t-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlations and stepwise multiple regression analysis version SPSS12.0. The following is the report completed through this study. Our study finds different demographic backgrounds have significant differences in their lifestyles and their possessive resources including: 1.It is found Philippine nationality born immigrants have stronger similar feelings about the dietary habits than Indonesia. Having working experience also have stronger similar feelings about their dietary habits than those of without working experience. 2. under resources owning, the female new immigrants married to rich family have better economic resources than those married to low-income family. New female immigrants of none-working experience are obviously more optimistic than those of working experience.3. It is also found that immigrants who have working experience are more optimistic than those of no working experience ones and that those who deficit communicated ability with new language have better a economic resources than those having better communicated ability. The study also find nationality, educational background, working experience and communicated ability are main variables for adaptation of immigrants. Philippine nationality born immigrants obviously possess more abilities of adapting in Taiwanese society than those of Vietnamese. Those of junior high educational background immigrants also adapt to spouses’ families obviously better than those of senior high educational background. Besides, those of working experience are accustomed to Taiwan more easily than those without working experience, and those of speaking ability can keep themselves emotionally balanced obviously better than those without communicated ability. Finally we explored for female new immigrants in Taiwan, different family lives and integrating resources appear lowly related, but integrating resources and adaptation are fairly related. It is much more helpful to female new immigrants to adapt in Taiwan if they can make good use of social resources. Female new immigrants’ different lifestyles and their ability of integrating resources in Taiwan indicate about 50% of how well they can adapt in Taiwan. Based on the research results and the findings, there are some relevant suggestions I would like to make for our government authorities, private organizations and academic community in the hopes of not only setting up better policies, improving immigrants’ lives and then offering fine directions on relevant researches to be made in the future. For new female immigrants and their relatives also refers some concrete strategies to help them live more adaptation happily in Taiwan.




