  • 學位論文


The Historical Reserch on Taiwan Social Physical Education Organization and its Operation during Japanese Colonization

指導教授 : 蔡禎雄


臺灣在日本治理之前沒有專門的組織推展西方「運動」(sports),直到日治時期透過總督府在教育體系與社會組織中注入西方體育與日本傳統武術,才又添加新的元素。當時社會體育有高爾夫球、棒球、廣播體操、登山、武道等,這些主題的研究都一致指出該項運動透過特定的組織是其主要的推手。但除了上述的運動項目外,還有田徑、水泳、網球、排球、籃球、足球、自轉車、射箭等等,這為數眾多的項目是如何來推展?值得加以研究。 當時運動項目基本上可分為西方體育運動與日本傳統武術,日本傳統武術主要是由大日本武德會在臺灣成立的組織來推廣,西方體育運動項目則透過體育俱樂部、臺灣體育協會來推廣,促使各運動項目在台灣生根。為釐清當時這些組織的結構、運作與關係,所以本研究針對「大日本武德會」在臺灣成立的組織、「體育俱樂部」與「臺灣體育協會」三者為研究對象,考察日治時期臺灣社會體育組織的肇始、交融、繁榮與質變的過程。 本文採歷史研究的方法,透過資料蒐集、分類、整理並加以考證後,分析考察臺灣社會體育組織運作的過程,得以下結果: 一、臺灣社會體育組織經由筆者研究的結果,認為它是在1900年大日本武德會來臺成立各縣委員部之後逐漸成型,其活動以日本武道(劍術、柔術)為其推展內容。 二、1903年「武德會臺灣支部」協助「體育俱樂部」成立,該俱樂部設立運動部(運動會、棒球、網球等)、馬術部、射術部(擊劍、柔術等)、自行車部、游泳部、漕艇部推展相關運動。在體育俱樂部解散後「武德會臺灣支部」又接掌其部分業務。再則,兩個組織間合辦大會,相關的場地都互為使用,本時期兩會可謂相互交融。 三、1920年「臺灣體育協會」在總督府的主導下成立,推動當時非武道的運動項目。配合日本國內的運動進展,開始走向國際,臺灣也開始積極訓練選手參與競賽。兩會各自發展出繁榮之景。 四、受到皇民化運動、戰時體制的影響,兩會在日治末期受到軍國主義政策的波及,運動的目的全然為戰爭做準備。再加上學校教育的體操科改成體鍊科,社會體育強調國民體位向上,所以,運動比賽的性質已全然改變。 日本帝國主義下臺灣社會體育組織從肇始、交融、繁榮、質變的運作過程,除了展現其組織的動員力與活動的漸進、多樣外,其背後所帶來的意涵,由以下結論之: 一、日治時期臺灣社會體育組織的模式係由日本引進臺灣並由官方主導,統御了臺灣體育運動的全面發展。 二、日治時期臺灣社會體育組織的植基,打開臺灣人的運動視野,讓戰後臺灣得以延續此一文化。


There was no special organization to promote western sports in Taiwan until the period of Japanese occupation. It was at this time that the governor-general office added the western sport and traditional Japanese fighting skill to educational system and social organization. At that times social physical education included golf, baseball, radio-gymnastics, mountain-climbing, fighting skills, and so on. All studies of these subjects unanimously point out that the reason for their developments was through some special organization. However, except the above sport items, there was other sports such as track and field events, swimming, tennis, volleyball, basketball, football, bicycle, archery, and so on. It is worth studying about how these sport items were developed? Basically, sport items at that times could be divided into western physical education sports and Japanese traditional fighting skills. Japanese traditional fighting skills were mainly extended by the branch of Dai-Nippon-Butokukai in Taiwan. However, western physical education sports items were promoted by sports clubs and Taiwan sports association. In order to clear up the structures, operations, and relations among these organizations, this study focuses on the branch of Dai-Nippon-Butokukai in Taiwan, the Sports Club, and the Taiwan Sports Association to discuss the beginning, mixing, flourishing, and changing of social physical education organizations in Taiwan during the Japanese occupied period. This research uses the way of historical study, that is, through data gathering, classification, regulation, and verification, then to analyze and inspect the process of the operation of Taiwan social physical education organizationsto get the following results: A Based on the author’s research, Taiwan social physical education organizations were gradually typified after Dai-Nippon-Butokukai established separate committee in different counties in Taiwan. Its activities focused on Japanese fighting skills like fencing and judo. B. Dai-Nippon-Butokukai Taiwan Branch helped the establishment of Sports Club in 1903. This club set up the departments of exercise ( games, baseball, tennis), horsemanship, archery (fencing, judo), bicycle, swimming and boating to move ahead related sports. After the Sports Club disbanded, Dai-Nippon-Butokukai Taiwan Branch took over some of its business activities. Besides, these two organizations managed the games together, so their places could be used mutually. During this period these two organizations were called blending with each other. C. Taiwan Sports Association, under the direction of governor-general office, was established in 1920 to extend non-fighting sport items. In tune with Japan domestic sport development, it began to march toward internationalization, so Taiwan also began to train people to take part in games actively. Both organizations separately developed toward prosperity. D. Under the influence of the Kominka Movement and the whole system during the World War, these two organizations were affected by the policy of militarism and their objects of exercise were totally prepared for war during the late Japanese Colonization. Furthermore, the course of gymnastics was changed into physical training in school, and social physical education stressed to improve people’s physical power; therefore, the nature of games was totally changed. Under the Japan Imperialism, the organization of social physical education in Taiwan experienced the process of beginning, blending, prosperity and change. Except to express its mobilization of organization and the gradual progress of activities, the meaning behind its back could be concluded as follows: A. During Japanese Colonization, the mode of social physical education in Taiwan was introduced from Japan and directed by the government, so it controlled the whole development of physical exercise in Taiwan. B. Because of the rooting of social physical education organization in Taiwan during Japanese Colonization, it opened the view of exercise of Taiwanese, and let them be able to continue such kind of culture.




