  • 學位論文


The Study of Cultural Perception Gap and Intercultural Communication between Africans in Taiwan and Taiwanese Coworkers.

指導教授 : 黃靖惠 博士


中文摘要 非洲文化為台灣文化多樣性下的缺席者,但隨著世界一家,有必要開啟腳步,鼓勵了解多采多姿的異文化,將文化研究對象擴散出去。因此本研究旨在檢視在台的非洲人與台灣同事,彼此之間之文化覺差情形、跨文化溝通方式與可能障礙,預防偏見及歧視發生的可能性,同時認識在台非洲人之生活文化面貌,促進台灣的文化多樣性。 研究對象為在台非洲人與台灣同事,以立意抽樣之半結構式之深度訪談。訪談大綱為兩部份,文化覺差,包含個人文化背景、覺差及在台非洲人之生活文化;跨文化溝通則為其能力與障礙。訪談過程以錄音為主,紀錄為輔,避免遺漏非口語訊息,並將紀錄其轉譯稿,做兩方面的厚實描述,最後以雙邊記錄進行對話,分析研究目的。 本研究結果發現在台非洲人與台灣同事之間相異的覺差情形,並影響其跨文化溝通表現。三位在台非洲人皆表示台灣缺乏非洲文化的認識與教育,人民有偏頗的負面觀感,曾感受過偏見和程度不一的歧視行為,其中以非口語訊息,如與溝通時的眼神與態度最為頻繁。跨文化溝通的障礙除了語言因素與負面的文化覺差外,應避免過度探詢私人問題,應以開放與尊重的態度建立彼此的跨文化理解。本研究中之在台非洲人之生活文化以口傳文化、肢體律動表現明顯,並有黑人英語的表達方式;飲食方式傾向家中用餐;人際網絡上仍以台灣工作同事為主,較少有台灣親密友人。 關鍵字: 在台非洲人 文化覺差 跨文化溝通 非洲文化 黑人


Abstract With the era of globalization , the needs to understand Africans who are part of us, but their culture is unique, are on the rise. In recent years, behind the growth of African population in Taiwan, African cultural studies remain and focus on literature critic, trade and agriculture issues. According to literature, cultural perception gap is a key to successful intercultural communication. Thus, the purpose of this study is to understand the cultural perception gap and intercultural communication between Africans in Taiwan and Taiwanese coworkers. Moreover, the lifestyle and culture of Africans in Taiwan is concerned as the other goal as well. Qualitative approach with purposive sampling and in-depth interview is adapted to this study. The result reveals the different scales of perception gap toward Africans, such as stereotype and the lack of African cultural knowledge. Open minded and respect attitude without private questions are suggestions for smooth intercultural communication. Besides, the lifestyle and culture of Africans in Taiwan presents vivid body languages, dialects, proverbs and Ebonics as showed in literature of African cultural features. Additionally, Africans eating habit and personal social network are also recorded in the end. Key words: Cultural Perception Gap, Intercultural Communication, Africans in Taiwan, African Culture, Blacks


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