  • 學位論文


A Study on the Effects of Elementary School Students' Images Toward Old People by Aging Cognitive Teaching.

指導教授 : 黃富順


本研究是以國小學童為研究對象,旨在瞭解瞭解老化認知教學對其老人意象之影響,經由相關文獻探討的結果,採準實驗研究─不等組前後測設計來分析其成效。 本研究受試者共62人,分為實驗及控制兩組,各獲得有效樣本31份。實驗組參與老化認知教學,控制組則未實施實驗處理,教學時間合計七週十二節課,並於教學實驗前、後一週以自編之「國小學童老人意象問卷」作為本研究前、後測的主要評量工具,繼輔以教學過程中的相關文件資料,加以分析討論。本研究的研究問題有五:(一)影響國小學童老人意象之相關因素為何?(二)目前已具成效之老化教學,其設計要旨為何?(三)老化認知教學前,國小學童之老人意象是否有顯著差異?(四)老化認知教學後,國小學童之老人意象是否有顯著差異?(五)國小學童之老人意象是否因不同的背景變項而有顯著差異?統計方法之使用包括平均數差異考驗、迴歸同質性考驗、共變數分析、單因子變異數分析。研究結論歸納如下: 一、未參與老化認知教學前,受試者的老人意象普遍不佳,尤其以「生理特質」一層面最為負面。 二、參與老化認知教學後,有助於受試者老人意象整體層面及各分層面的正向提升,尤其以「心理特質」與「社會價值」二層面之改變較為明顯。 三、影響受試者老人意象的相關因素為「與老人同住的經驗」、「與老人相處的時間」及「與老人互動的親密程度」。 四、老化認知教學的進行,可以提升學童對老人的正面意象。 依據上述結論,本研究提出幾點建議以供參考: 一、 對國小教師之建議 (一)加強國小學童有關老人生理特質方面的認知教學,建立多元的價值觀念。 (二)將學童個別的背景與經驗融入教學活動中,以對話討論的方式澄清其價值。 (三)善用視覺圖像,配合角色模擬、故事情節及代間的互動豐富教學設計,增益學習成效。 二、 對相關教育機構之建議 (一)辦理現職教師有關老化教育的研習進修活動。 (二)針對個別差異的學童提供不同的施教課程,強化教學成效。 三、 對後續研究之建議 (一)將不同地區、年段之學童納入研究對象。 (二)以更多元的途徑來蒐集相關資料,如焦點團體、深入訪談、增加協同合作教師的員額與觀察記錄,或運用不同形式的量表於不同的時間點加以評估,以進行資料的交相比對等。 (三)宜增加其他變項進行探討,如學童的年齡、居住的地區、宗教信仰、是否修習過與老人相關的課程等。


A Study on the Effects of Elementary School Students' Images Toward Old People by Aging Cognitive Teaching. Adviser:Dr. Fu-shun Huang Researcher:Jung-pin Chen ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects about an aging cognitive teaching for elementary school students’ images toward old people. This study is based on the review of related literature and a quasi-experimental design on the pretest-posttest nonequivalent groups was used. There are 62 participants in this study, including experimental group and control group. Each group is a sample size of 31. This study is to measure the pretest and posttest by the “Questionnaire of elementary school students’ images toward old people” and some related documents during the teaching process for 7 weeks. The present research asked five questions. First, what affect the elementary school students’ images toward old people?Second, what kind designs of aging education are available?Third, before aging cognitive teaching, what images toward old people will be?Fourth, after aging cognitive teaching, what images toward old people will be?Fifth, will the different characteristics of elementary school students affect their images toward old people?The statistical principles applied include paired t-test, test for regression homogeneity, analysis of covariance, and one-way analysis of variance. Findings of the study are as follows: 1) Before aging cognitive teaching, the images toward old people were poor, especially about” Attributes of physiology”. 2) After aging cognitive teaching, the images toward old people were improved, especially about “Attributes of psychology” and ”Values of society “. 3) What the factors affect the images toward old people were “The experience of living with old people”, ”The time of getting along with old people”, and “ The close interaction with old people”. 4) Main ideas applied to design aging cognitive teaching can improve the images toward old people effectively. Based on the outcome of the study, we have made the following recommendations: 1) Suggestions for the elementary school teachers a) To enhance aging education about the attributes of physiology in old people, and establish the multiple values. b) Considering the characteristics of students and clarifying their values by dialogue for each other. c) Using pictures, role playing, stories, and intergenerational actions to enrich the teaching progress. 2) Suggestions for the educational institutions a) Provide specialized training of aging education for teachers. b) Assess the characteristics and specific needs of the students and provide different courses to increase the learning. 3) Suggestions for further research a) Select students from a wide variety of regions and other grades. b) In additional to the quasi-experimental, adopt other methods like focus group, interviews, and observations of assistant teachers in different time. c) Include other varieties like age, residence, religion, and learning experiences about old people.


蘇美鳳(2002)。國中生對老人的態度及其對教學活動之啟示 - 以大台北地區國中生為例。國立台灣師範大學人類發展與家庭學系碩士論文,未出版,台北。


