  • 學位論文


The Categorization of Auxiliary Verbs in Modern Chinese and it's Pedagogical Applications

指導教授 : 鄧守信


西方對助動詞的定義多採用構詞和語法功能標準,但漢語在語言類型上缺乏外在形態變化,因此漢語助動詞容易與其他功能詞類混淆,如:副詞;另一方面,僅依照功能定義,容易造成語法學家之間對助動詞涵蓋範圍不同、在次類劃分上也大相逕庭以及與其他功能詞類的混淆,造成各家的系統過於龐大,莫衷一是。 形式語法、功能語法及認知語法學家都曾對助動詞下過定義,也都有各自的問題。形式語法重視語法上的結構關係,GB理論將助動詞設為一個節點,置於謂語性詞組中作為情態成分;功能語法將句子的概念分為三個層次,如:Halliday (1985) 對助動詞的定義是在視句子為交換的層次上,主語對謂語性詞組所作的情態微調;認知語法則多從語法化的角度切入,視助動詞為動詞虛化過程的連續面。 本文主要從王楚蓁 (2008) 以Hengeveld (1992) 提出的跨語言詞類系統指出漢語的中心語類為動詞與名詞,在此基礎上,修正王楚蓁 (2008) 對謂語性詞組中擔任修飾動詞功能的非為副詞而是助動詞,起情態修飾的作用,而助動詞則依照鄧守信 (1975) 動詞三分系統,置於狀態動詞下做為一個次類,並提出助動詞劃分的標準與依據,確定現代漢語助動詞的典型成員以及非典型成員。確定助動詞範圍以及成員以後,在語義上,根據Palmer (2001) 跨語言情態系統為主並修正為情態三分,再按照Heine & Kuteva (2007) 提出世界上在情態上發生的語法化現象,據此提出歸類程序,並提出測試標準。 在相關的語言學文獻討論以及實際教學上,多半重視助動詞之間的混用現象,但根據我們從病句語料庫中學習者偏誤的統計結果顯示,助動詞在整體上缺漏以及誤加的現象比混用現象還多,因此我們認為教材編寫首先需要在個別的助動詞上多給予學習者判斷的信息,比如語法共現成分、使用語境和篇章關係,提高學生使用的意識,其後再進行近義助動詞之間的比較與辨析,為助動詞教學提供更有系統的教學依據。


Auxiliary verbs are traditionally defined by morphological rule and syntactic function in Western linguistics. However, due to the lack of explicit morphological inflection, Chinese auxiliary verbs (hereafter as AV) are confused with other functional categories, for example, adverbs. On the other hand, the sole definition in functional perspective results in the different range or members of AVs, the confusion with other functional categories, and the super huge system of among linguists. Formal, functional and cognitive linguists have tried to define AVs, but still leave some problems unsolved. In formal linguistic perspective, syntactical structure is highly emphasized, and GB Theory puts an AUX/INFL node under VP as a collection of modal elements; in functional linguistic perspective, three layers of a sentence are analyzed. Halliday (1985) regards AVs as a modal modulation of verbal group in the layer of ‘clause as exchange’; in cognitive linguistic perspective, AVs are deems as a continuum or process of verbs’ grammaticalization. The part-of-speech system of Hengeveld (1992) reveals that the nuclear category in Modern Chinese is verb and noun, and Wang (2008) proposes that adverbs are modifiers in verbal group. However, we prove that the true modifier in VP is AVs. Further, AVs are treated as a subcategory of state verbs by Teng (1975), with clear criteria and indication of its proto- and non-prototypical members. Finally, based on the modal system proposed by Palmer (2001) and the grammaticalization process by Heine & Kuteva (2007), the sub-categorization of AVs is proposed. Besides, our L2 learner statistics indicates that the omission and addition of AVs are of higher error frequency than mis-selection, which is much discussed in linguistic or pedagogical literatures. We suggest that more information should be first given, such as co-occurrence, context and discourse, to students to be more usage-sensitive, and that further comparison of different AVs should be practiced later, in order to systemize the AV teaching with systemic and convincing evidence.


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