  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 謝建成


本研究藉由地方文史工作者的角度來加以探究母語保存的相關議題,以他們的親身工作經驗來更加瞭解東勢大埔客家語言傳承與發展真實現況,並以文化工作的觀點來看客家問題、提出相關的工作經驗及保存的機制來發展適當的語言保存策略。本研究主要是探究問題的癥結及釐清問題本源,讓這雖為少數人所使用的特殊社區語言的保存與其文化的推動得以受到重視。本研究結論如下: 一、東勢大埔腔客語的保存推動工作存在的困難點,包括從家庭結構上的瓦解與家庭成員福佬化影響下所造成的族群認同薄弱;母語教育教學心態及機關首長認同不足所造成的客語教育斷層;有無文化工作者有志一同集結社團發展大埔客家文化及地方首長相關推動政策的支持是社區母語保存工作成敗的關鍵。 二、東勢大埔腔客語的保存機制上因有語言主要使用地區的文化工作者與文化認同的地方首長的經營下,在文化工作的成果包括了豐富的語料;推動多元發展的語言文化活動;建立公部門與私部門合作保存的經營典範。 三、東勢大埔腔客語保存工作除了集結民間的力量,尚需透過政治力確立母語的法定地位,才能讓語言推展工作有所憑據。因此,本研究認為政府該提出明確支持母語復甦的國家語言政策;學校教育體制需要完善的母語教學策略;並加強地方首長與學校首長對於當地特有的文化認同。


母語 客家話 語言保存


This study was through the local cultural workers to explore the issues related to the preservation of the mother tongue, and their work experience in person to a better understanding of Dongshih Hakka language transmission and development for the development of appropriate strategies to preserve the language. The purpose of this study is to explore the crux of the problem and clarify the question of origin so that a small number of people preserve the special community of language and promote their culture to be taken seriously. Conclusions of this study are as follows: I. The difficulties of the Dongshih Hakka preservation is including the collapse of family structure and the weak ethnic identity of family members caused by the influence of Hoklolization, the teachers’psychology of the mother-tongue teaching and the lack of the school principals’ identity caused the education gap of Hakka language. The assembly of the cultural workers and local leaders’ related policies are the key to success for the community preservation of mother tongue. 2. The mechanism for the preservation of Dongshih Hakka language is including a rich corpus, diversified development of the language and culture activities, and the model establishment of public sector-private sector collaboration. 3. Dongshih Hakka language preservation has an urgent need to establish the legal status of the mother tongue in order to support the language promotion. Therefore, this study made clear that the government should address the national recovery policy of the mother tongue, the educational system, schools need to improve the mother-tongue teaching strategies, and strengthen the local leaders and school heads for the local unique cultural identity.


Mother language Hakka language maintenance


張學謙(2002a)。結合社區與學校的母語統整教學。《第四屆台灣語言及其教學國際學術研討會》。2002.4.27-28 國立中山大學。頁203-222。
