  • 學位論文


Lifting the Veil of Female Migrant Partners for Taiwanese Men:

指導教授 : 李明芬 博士


十幾年來,因為國際互動頻繁、臺灣女性結婚意願逐漸降低、臺灣男性擇偶不議又承受傳統結婚生子的壓力等因素,使得臺灣女性新移民人數急劇增加,已躍然成為台灣的第四大族群。初期大眾對這群女性新移民多持有降低人口素質、占有福利資源,甚至是來臺撈金等負面看法;近年來因為眾多學者專家的關注和研究,使得臺灣社會越來越正視女性新移民的存在和影響。惟截至目前,對於女性新移民的相關研究多放在中文能力、生活適應或母職經驗上,對於女性新移民本身的生命發展較少著墨。 本研究旨在研究女性新移民的生命發展歷程,針對六位與我國男子有婚約、有意願敘述其生活經驗且華語表達流利者進行研究,最後選定四位透過深度訪談和觀察來探究女性新移民投入跨國婚姻組成家庭的動機、困境與因應,以及跨國婚姻家庭的經驗對個人生命的影響。 依上述目的分別歸納整理出本研究結論為:一、女性新移民投入跨國婚姻的動機,個人因素大於原生家庭因素。二、女性新移民在跨國婚姻中遇到的困境多重,最怕「大臺灣文化」心態。三、女性新移民多以對現象轉念和自我增能因應跨國婚姻中的困境。四、女性新移民在跨國婚姻的經驗與體悟讓自我生命更具價值。五、女性新移民的生涯發展中,擁有自主性選擇權比實踐規劃更能自我滿足。 根據研究結論,本研究提出下列建議:一、鼓勵女性新移民積極參與社區和進修活動,並透過覺察反思轉念,以促進自我實現,增進個人成長、規劃未來生涯。二、肯定多元文化,社會要以尊重態度看待新移民女性,並持開放態度給予時間帶領女性新移民學習;而在鼓勵女性新移民參與學習時,新移民家庭也要共同成長。三、建議未來研究者在樣本選擇上可針對不同階段或地域的女性新移民做深入探討,或是換個角度,針對女性新移民另一半或新移民家庭做研究。


The population of female migrant partners for Taiwanese men has been dramatically increasing and become the fourth largest population in Taiwan over the past decade due to frequent cross-border interaction and the gradual decline of Taiwanese women’s willingness to get married which cause the difficulty for Taiwanese men in finding marriage partner under the social pressure to get married and have kids. In the beginning, the public in Taiwan had negative perceptions of female migrant partners, such as reducing the quality of population, taking advantages of welfare, making money from sex trade; however, they are getting more notice for their existence and influence on Taiwan as more studies have been done in recent years. Most studies so far focus on their Chinese ability, adapting to life and the experience of motherhood, only few discuss their life development. The purpose of this study is to investigate the life course of female migrant partners. Six female migrant partners who can speak fluent Chinese and have willingness to describe their life experience were interviewed, and four of them were chosen through in-depth interviews for further investigation of the motives behind their cross-border marriage decisions, predicaments and their response to them, and impacts on their life. The conclusion of this study can be summarized as below: Firstly, the motive behind female migrant partners’ cross-border marriage decisions is mostly due to personal factors rather than early family factors. Secondly, female migrant partners face many predicaments, but feel most uncomfortable about ‘Taiwanese Chauvinism”. Thirdly, female migrant partners usually think in different ways and try to increase their own capabilities while facing predicaments and responding to it. Fourthly, the experience and understanding of cross-border marriage make female migrant partners’ life more valuable. Finally, female migrant partners feel more self-satisfied by having the right to chose instead of practice planning during their life course. Based upon the conclusions, the study provided the following suggestions: Firstly, encouraging female migrant partners to actively participate in community affairs and learning courses in order to achieve self-actualization and self-growth through self-awakening and transformation thinking. Secondly, the public should have positive attitudes toward multicultural environment and must pay respects to female migrant partners. It is very important to give them time to learn to adapt to the society and lead their family to grow together. Finally, the future study can be focused on female migrant partners living in different area or in different stage, and vice versa, focused on their husbands and families. Keywords: Transnational Marriages, Female Migrant Partners for Taiwanese Men, Life Course, Self-Awakening,


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