  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 卜小蝶


科技日益發達,圖書館使用者利用資料習慣也不同,電子資源對於使用者日趨重要。近年來研究者發現,資料庫廠商教育訓練人員有越俎代庖的情況,直接面對圖書館使用者教導如何利用電子資料庫,以減輕參考館員的業務量。 本論文針對資料庫廠商教育訓練人員核心職能進行研究,主要研究目的為:1、瞭解資料庫廠商教育訓練人員所具備的核心職能。2、瞭解資料庫廠商教育訓練人員之遴選、訓練與評估機制。3、比較資料庫廠商教育訓練人員與參考館員之於資料庫利用指導課程所需之核心職能特質。本論文以多方觀點採用深度訪談法,針對八位資料庫廠商教育訓練人員,一位廠商主管,五位參考館員,七位使用者,共計二十一位受訪者進行深度訪談,其後將資料予以歸納分析、編碼、詮釋與呈現。 根據研究結果,研究者提出以下結論,分別為:1、資料庫廠商培訓其教育訓練人員,主要透過課程的學習與訓練,以師徒制的方式培養其專業能力、服務精神、與顧客保持良好溝通管道、及人格特質的表現,歸納出四類核心職能,包括專業知能類職能、工作態度類職能、人際關係類職能、人格特質類職能。2、最重要職能項目內涵,包括「專業知識」、「教學策略與技巧」、「掌握資訊能力」、「服務熱忱」、「條理性」。3、比較資料庫廠商教育訓練人員與參考館員兩者在資料庫利用指導課程所需具備核心職能的差異性,廠商人員產品專業知識充足,教學策略與技巧融入行銷概念,電腦資訊能力強,授課方式幽默風趣,顧客意見至上。而參考館員則是掌握資訊能力強,尤其是圖書館資源整合的運用,另外,參考館員接觸使用者時間長具親和力,其授課表現也具條理性、個性沈穩、反應快,具有終身學習的精神。 最後,綜合研究所得,研究者對資料庫廠商、廠商教育訓練人員、圖書館、參考館員的角色提出建議,並對未來研究提出後續之研究方向。


Advances in technology have engendered user habit changes while they use library databases. Electronic database resources are gradually ever important for users. Observations in this study found that librarian workloads have been alleviated because of database vendors’ efforts to teach database users. This paper seeks to explore the core competencies of trainers in the database vendors in Taiwan. The goals of this study were: (1) to understand the core competencies of database vendor trainers; (2) to identify mechanisms of recruitment, training and evaluation in the database vendors ; (3) to compare the differences of principal competencies of college reference librarians and database of trainers. This study used in-depth interviews and supplemented the resulting data with additional observations . A total of 21 interviewees including 8 trainers and a supervisor in the database vendors, 5 reference librarians and 7 users in a college setting were interviewed. This paper seeks to explore the core competence of database vendor trainers in Taiwan. Incorporating several points of views in the study, the following results are identified: (1). A database vendor educates their trainers mainly from courses of learning through how an apprentice learns from an experienced master to cultivate their professional knowledge, service spirit, good communication with customers. For core competence: professional knowledge and skills, work attitude, interpersonal relationship and personal traits are then concluded; (2) the most important competency includes professional knowledge, delivery of teaching strategies and skills, information grasping skills, enthusiasm and organizational skills; and (3) comparisons made for the requirements and differences in core competence in database course instruction among database vendor trainers and reference librarians found that vendor trainers hold the IV following features: they are well-grounded in their knowledge of their products; they implement marketing concepts to their teaching strategies and skills, their computer techniques are strong; they are humorous while they teach; they take customers’ opinions seriously. However, for reference librarians, they have a strong capability in grasping diverse information, especially in library resource integration. In addition, the reference librarians who have long-term contact with users are friendly to users and are more organized while they teach, poised and quick responses and have a spirit of life-long learning. Finally, this study offers some suggestions for database vendors and their trainers as well as for libraries and reference librarians and suggests some possible directions for further studies.


Core competence Database vendor Trainers




