  • 學位論文


Application of Associative Impressions of Taiwan to Poster Design

指導教授 : 康台生


本研究主要研究內容為整理圖像在平面設計中所發揮的意義,加上分析近年來台灣印象海報協會的創作理念及內容,並試圖將文獻理論應用於台灣印象海報的創作上,希冀經由理論及案例的探討,整理出台灣印象聯想圖像被應用在平面設計上的依據。 而本研究的最終目的在於藉由理論的探討及案例的整理,最後總結出創作的原動力及想像力,並賦予創作文獻上的基礎。讓台灣印象在讀者心目中有其輪廓,並對台灣這片土地產生更高的認同與默契。 這次一系列的作品有三大台灣印象聯想主題:「慶典」、「傳統藝術」、「饗宴」,依著每一主題各設計出兩張平面設計作品,產生一系列的台灣印象海報。希望能經由海報的設計再現出台灣印象聯想的精神,讓欣賞這次創作的人們能獲得共識與感動。 經由這次整體的文獻整理與案例分析,一直到最後完成創作,皆是希冀自己不要忘記台灣有這麼多美麗珍貴的文化與特色,那麼值得被珍惜並且發揚。雖然台灣的文化與地位在國際上一直受到爭議與忽視,但藉由論文的產生,也更加深信台灣是寶島的概念,傳遞一份深深的感情與探索,給對台灣文化一樣抱持情感的人們一個呼應,一個參考的平台。


This research will organize images by their significance in graphic design, and analyze concepts from the Taiwan Poster Design Association in recent years. We will attempt to apply documented theories on the creation of Taiwan impression posters. Through inspection of theories and examples, we hope to discover the basis of poster design using associative impressions of Taiwan. The objective of this research is to conclude the driving force behind a creation by organizing examples and discussing theories. Under it we shall lay the foundation with creative literature, so that readers may gain greater understanding and further identify themselves with Taiwan. There are three main associative impressions of Taiwan in this series: celebration, traditional art, and feasts. There will be two Taiwan impression posters produced with each topic. We hope to display the spirit of Taiwan impression, and move the audience with the design of these posters. Throughout this whole research up until the end of production, we reminded ourselves not to forget how beautiful and precious Taiwanese culture is; it deserves to be cherished and carried forward. Even though Taiwan's status has always been controversial and overlooked internationally, with the completion of this thesis, we are more convinced than ever that Taiwan is an island of treasure. By communicating these deep emotions, we hope to provide a platform of reference for all those who feel the same for Taiwan.


(12) Berger(1966). The Social Construction of Reality.
(1) 林俊良(2002)。中國傳統設計內涵次現代海報設計表現之探究。ICOGRADA國際設計教育研討會論文集。
(2) 李明松、何明泉(2005)。具在地識別陶瓷商品設計之研究。雲林科技大學工業設計研究所碩士論文。
