  • 學位論文


Surviving in the Conflicts: Borderers Who Swing between Liao and Regime in North China

指導教授 : 廖隆盛


「邊人」是以政權中央為出發點,對邊區出身者的稱呼,常見於北宋的史料中,且同時具有政治與地理分佈上的判斷。本文中,該辭彙所指的是遼與中原政權並峙時期的河東(山西)北部與河北北部出身者。 自隋唐以降,河北與河東北部,時常是「中國」與北方非漢民族勢力的過渡地帶,即被認為是「邊疆」的地區。西元八世紀後半開始,唐室逐漸衰弱,此地陷入諸多勢力分據的所在,眾多的「中央」在此區並存。十世紀前半,契丹與華北地區的政治勢力,分別大量吸納了本區的出身者,並形成南北對峙的局面。遼與中原政權在壯大的同時,也逐步削弱或消滅了在這個區域中由邊人組成的勢力,再度讓這個區域走向「邊區化」。此一趨勢經歷十世紀下半與十一世紀的南北對峙後,更趨穩固。直到十二世紀,女真南侵,才打破了此一局面,並逐漸讓此區「內地化」,並讓部分地區成為金、元、明、清等朝,中國的政治核心所在。 因此,本文轉換傳統的視角,立足於邊人的立場,以十世紀到十二世紀前半為範圍,探究河北與河東出身者,包括政治菁英、部族群體,以及無名的庶民,在近二百年間和戰交錯的歷史進程中,如何自存?如何面對週遭政治環境的變化?如何與政權互動?除了欲重新檢視並評價邊人外,也企圖分析邊人的活動與遭遇在近世史中的意義,以彌補過去史觀的失衡。


邊人 地方勢力 宋遼關係 燕雲 近世 吐渾 党項 義勝軍


Abstract Surviving in the Conflicts: Borderers Who Swing between Liao and Regime in North China “Borderers,” as was documented in the official materials of the Sung dynasty, means people who were born and grew up in the frontier as opposed to the central government in north China in political and geographical sense. In this thesis, “Borderers” indicates the inhabitants of the Ho-tung(Shan-hsi) and Ho-pei during the era when Liao co-existed with regimes in North China. From the Sui-Tang dynasties onward, northern Ho-tung and Ho-pei area frequently became the transition zone between “Regime in North China” and non-Chinese(Han) races, an area which was therefore seen as “border”. In the second half of the 8th century, with the decline of Tang government, this area gradually fallen into the hands of local warlords. In others words, many political powers and centers co-existed in this area. In the early 10th century, Liao (Khitan) and regimes in north China started to recruit political elites from this area, which resulted in the opposition between the north and the south. With the rise of Liao and regimes in north China in the middle of 10th century, the “local” powers and tribes composed by the borders were gradually weakened or eliminated by the regimes, leading to the re-marginalization of this area. This area remained as such until the invasion of Jurchens in early 12th century. Under the rule of Jurchens, most of the “borders” became part of China proper, some of these areas even became the heart of Chinese Empire from Chin to Ch’ing dynasty. Taking a different approach from those adopted by traditional scholarship, this thesis attempts to inquiry how the northern Ho-tung and northern Ho-pei inhabitants survived for almost two centuries in terms of the standpoint of the “borderers”, including political elites, tribes, and partially nameless plebian. And it tries to explore how they are adapted to the continuous changes in political sphere and responded to the different regimes, and especially why they swung between Liao and north China regime. Furthermore, in order to revise the ideas about the relations between borderers and regimes in the traditional scholarship, this thesis not only tries to survey and re-evaluate the “borderers”, but also analyzes the meaning of “borderers’ ” activities in the early modern history in East Asia.




