  • 學位論文


The influence of community sense and community participation on river ecology conservation: with yi-sheng village as example

指導教授 : 程瑞福


中文摘要 本研究為瞭解宇內溪保育工作的推動歷程,係針對復興鄉義盛村居民對地方推動溪流保育參與態度進行探討,採問卷調查方式,以年滿20以上居民設籍且長久居住的176位居民為研究對象,發放正式問卷計176份,回收有效問卷170份,以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關方式等進行統計分析,探討各構面之關聯性。獲致結果如下: 一、 義盛村居民,「女性」略多,並以年齡「30到49歲」的中年族群居多,職業方面以「工」比例最高,教育程度為「高中職畢(肄)」最多,居住時間以「20年以上」比例最高,家庭每月平均月收入為「2萬元(含)以上,未滿5萬元」,大部分「已婚」。 二、 人口基本背景屬性中職業、教育程度、家庭平均月收入與社區意識達顯著影響。 三、 人口基本背景屬性中教育程度與參與溪流保育態度達顯著影響。 四、 社區意識與參與溪流保育態度間為正相關。 依此擬訂對應建議做成結論,提供相關單位與參與者進行溪流生態保育工作及研究之參考。


Abstract The natural conservation missions in Taiwan were controlled by Taiwan government in the early stage that enacted relevant acts or planned conservation zone to confine people’s behavior in specific environment. However, the government’s ignorance on local residents’ demands and dependence on surrounding natural resources caused the local community residents to lack sense of identity with low participation willingness leading to poor conservation performance. Such an issue as the river ecology conservation was started to be noticed in 1980s where the top-bottom decision-making procedures were adopted to promote the local residents to initiate environment campaign autonomously to reach a balance between local social and economic development and natural resource conservation and protection.Therefore, the Yu-Nei River is taken as a case-study in this research to record promotion and fulfillment history for Yu-Nei River conservation missions. The questionnaires were used to confirm whether local residents own autonomous participation attitude or not and also to analyze local residents’ community awareness. The critical factor for promoting river conservation lies on whether the local residents can reach consensus and sense of belonging and sense of identity for the communities. This research explores what the attitudes the Yi-Sheng villager of Fu-Sing township bear the local promotion for and participation on river ecology conservation by making analysis on classifying local residents’ basic population backgrounds, community awareness, the attitudes for participation on river ecology conservation. The research was conducted by using questionnaire method where 176 local residents aged more than 20 and having stayed locally for long term with local household registration were used as the research interviewees. Effectively issued questionnaires amounted to 176 as of March, 2009 and 170 effective questionnaires were retrieved. The statistical analysis was conducted with usage of descriptive statistics, single-factor variation analysis, Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficient to study the relevance among all factors. It has been discovered in this research that such factors as vocation, education level, average family monthly income and community awareness have reached significant level of influence; in which the education level and the attitude for participation on river ecology conservation have reached a significant level of influence; there is a positive relevancy between the community awareness and the attitude for participation in river ecology conservation. The conclusions were constituted based on those inference to provide the relevant institutes and participants the reference for conducting river ecology conservation missions and researches.


