  • 學位論文


Creative Personalities, Adversity Transformation, and Creative Performance of Outstanding Female Educators

指導教授 : 潘裕豐


本研究是以八位在工作領域表現優秀的女性教育人員為研究對象,藉由深度訪談以及重要他人的訪談了解其生涯發展、人格特質、逆境經驗轉化及其創造表現。研究資料則是將訪談內容轉成文字稿,經由反覆閱讀、分析、交叉比對、歸納、綜合,以理解這些優秀女性教育人員的人格特質、逆境經歷轉化與其創造表現,藉由她們的生命故事啟發後進者。家庭環境方面,受訪者的父母教育態度在要求中有空間,適時地提供支援或協助,即使無法提供支援,也不壓抑女兒的發展。受訪者的求學過程都很順利,在校成績皆有中上表現,深受老師的影響與啟發。工作歷程方面,有受訪者從小就立志從事教職,也有受訪者基於因緣際會、自身興趣與能力而進入教育界。對工作的不滿足以及渴望工作上的變化促使她們盡其所能在工作中求新求變並樂在其中。本研究主要發現如下: 一、 人格特質 受訪者具有獨立的、為人誠摯的、能幹的、對自我有信心的、不滿足的、誠實的、有禮貌的、深思的、堅毅的、主動積極的、跨領域的各項個人特質。在家庭因素上,父母親的身教與言教深入受訪者的生活、工作。對於父母都懷抱著感恩、感謝的態度,與父母維持深厚的感情,與家人之間的關係良好。就環境因素而言,受訪者表示所屬教學環境對於教師的專業皆予以尊重,給予教師相當大的自主空間,鼓勵受訪者發揮創造力;在這樣支持的環境下,受訪者藉由創造力的發揮而達到暢流狀態,取得工作與生活的平衡。 二、 逆境轉化 受訪者在生命中所遭逢的逆境種類有:1、他人不公平地對待導致有被歧視的感覺。2、親人的過世。3、生命遭受威脅。4、被告上法庭。5、離婚。工作中的逆境有:1、自己貢獻的歷史定位不明或是遭忽略。2、當場被羞辱。3、投稿被退稿而且是非建設性的批評。4、同儕的刁難、不合作、質疑、忌妒與合作步調不一。5、任教科目的不受重視。6、政策的錯誤。7、他人非理性的對待。 性別壓力部分,有七位受訪者認為在教育界男女之間工作能力差異不大,主要的差異在於個人對於工作的認知、工作的熱誠以及個人的能力。隨著時代進步與社會演進,女性受重視的程度將逐漸與男性相當。而逆境之於受訪者的意義有:(一)正向思考;(二)增加自我轉化、調整的能力;(三)事後看事情的角度更寬廣;(四)學習到更多解決事情的方法;(五)承認逆境的存在,投入自己認為重要或有趣的事。 三、 創造表現 在創造表現上,受訪者的創造成就可分成:國外期刊的投稿、典章制度的建立、教案寫作、敎學表現以及工作內容的轉換。內在動機則有成就感的獲得、目標管理、將工作的投入當成學習、克服困難之後的特殊喜悅、自身的成長、自身的使命感、自身的責任感、對教師工作價值的肯定、好強不服輸的個性、對不朽的渴望、自身敬業的特質、對工作的熱愛、對新奇的好奇、挑戰自我、測試極限、看到學生成長改變的喜悅。在多樣創意上,受訪者皆表示會想要在生活中展現自身的創意,但同時都表達對工作有很強烈的使命感,儘管創意點子多,仍然是先想到工作,會優先把新的想法或是念頭運用在教學、研究或是行政工作上。


The research was based on outstanding eight female educators that showed creative behavior in their field of expertise. It was through in-depth interviews of the subjects and their important people that the career development, personality traits, adversity transformation, and creativity of the subjects were made known. The researcher transformed the data from those interviews into written forms. It was through repeated reading, analyzing, cross-referencing, categorizing, combining, that the researcher understood the creative behavior which included personality traits, adversity transformation, and creativity. At home, the parents of the interviewees had liberal attitudes towards their education. The parents were supportive of their daughters' hobbies and provided support or help whenever needed. At school, the interviewees studied smoothly with grades above average. The interviewees were deeply influenced and inspired by teachers. At work, some interviewees wanted to be an educator while young; still others entered the field by chance, self-interest and capability. The interviewees desired changes and were unsatisfied with work, which made they enjoy evolving in their field. Their life stories inspired others that followed. The findings of the research are as the following: 1. Personality Trait The interviewees had the traits of being independent, sincere, capable, self-confident, unsatisfied, honest, well-mannered, reflective, persistent, initiative, and were involved in different domains. For family factor, the parents set example and taught the interviewees, which influenced the life and work of the interviewees. The interviewees had great appreciation and gratification for the parents. The interviewees maintained great relationships with parents and family members. For environmental factor, interviewees indicated that the educational environment showed great respect for teachers, allowed and encouraged interviewees to create freely. It was under such a supportive environment, the interviewees were able to create with a flow, which balanced their work and lives. 2. Adversity Transformation There were a few different kinds of adversities in the interviewees' life: (1) being treated unfairly resulting in feeling discriminated; (2) passing of family member; (3) life threatened; (5) being a defendant in court; (6) divorce. At work: (1) contribution to the history made unknown or neglected; (2) public humiliation; (3) submit a piece of writing and get rejected with non-constructive criticisms; (4) difficult or uncooperative colleagues, working pace unsynchronized with colleagues, and jealousy and questioning from colleagues ; (5) the subject of teaching is not valued; (6) error in policy; (7) unreasonable emotion transfer or accusation from others. As for gender stress factor, seven interviewees thought there was not much difference between the male and female in the field of education. Primary difference lied on personal recognition of work, passion for work, and individual capability. As time progressed and society evolved, the value of female gradually equaled the value of male. Adversity transformation meant a few things to the interviewees: (1) positive thinking; (2) increase ability to self-transform and adjustment; (3) widen perspective of viewpoints afterward; (4) learning of more solutions to problems; (5) acknowledge the adversity and move on to something more important or interesting. 3. Creative Performance Interviewees' creative behaviors may be categorized into the following: submitting work to periodic journals aboard, establish system for institution, writing lesson plans, teaching performance, and transforming work contents. Inner motivation included sense of accomplishment, goal management, dedication to work as learning opportunities, exceptional joy after overcoming difficulty, self-development, sense of mission on self, self-responsibility, affirmation of value of teaching, personality that would not yield to defeat, desire to be imperishable, dedication to work, passion for work, curiosity of new things, challenge of self, testing one's own limits, the joy of seeing the maturing of the students. On diverse creativity, interviewees expressed the desire of showing creativity in life but they also expressed a strong sense of mission towards work. Even though they had many creative ideas, they always put work before anything else. The interviewees would prioritize the use the new ideas or thoughts on teaching, research or administrative work.




