  • 學位論文


The Effects of Using Mobile Devices to Assist Outdoor Education on Transactional Distance -- Using Construction Technology Curriculum as an Example

指導教授 : 朱益賢


本研究旨在發展以營建科技單元為主題的戶外教學活動,用以探討學生在傳統式戶外教學與運用行動載具的戶外教學環境中,學生所感知的對話、結構、學習者自主性、系統介面等因素對互動性距離是否有所影響,又在這兩種戶外教學環境中,學生所感知的對話、結構、學習者自主性與互動性距離等因素是否有所差異。 為達上述研究目的,本研究以臺北縣某國中八年級兩個班,共七十六名學生為研究對象,以準實驗研究法,進行為期三週共六節課的教學實驗,在實驗結束後,以互動性距離感知量表來取得所需的研究資料,而後透過統計方法提出以下幾點結論: 一、在傳統式戶外教學環境中,其對話、結構、學習者自主性等三項因素皆對互動性距離有所影響。當受試者感知到的對話程度越高,互動性距離越小;課程結構越高,互動性距離越大;學習者自主性越高,互動性距離越小。 二、在戶外教學的環境中運用行動載具,其對話、結構、學習者自主性、系統介面等四項因素對互動性距離有影響。當受試者感知到的對話程度越高,互動性距離越小;課程結構越高,互動性距離越大;學習者自主性越高,互動性距離越小;系統介面程度越高,互動性距離越小。 三、在戶外教學的環境之中,運用行動載具與否對對話與互動性距離有所影響,且運用行動載具有助於提升對話,縮小互動性距離。 四、實驗組學生對於本研究提供的行動載進行戶外教學具有良好之反應。 最後,本研究根據以上結論,提出幾點後續研究與實務上的教學建議: 一、對後續研究的建議:(一)可擴大研究對象之範圍與年齡層;(二)可將合作學習與個別學習納入研究變項;(三)可讓每一名學生都配帶一台行動載具。 二、對教師教學的建議:(一)在規劃戶外教學活動時,應盡可能的提高對話並降低課程結構;(二)在規劃行動學習活動與行動學習系統時,應盡可能的提高對話;(三)在設計行動學習系統時,應盡可能的提高系統的使用性;(四)可利用校內的戶外教學,培養學生對學校的認同感;(五)為求維護校園秩序,應慎選戶外教學場所。


This study developed an outdoor education activity based on a unit of construction technology curriculum to investigate (1) whether dialogue, structure, learner autonomy, and learning system affect transactional distance in the traditional outdoor education context and the context involving application of mobile devices, and (2) whether dialogue, structure, learner autonomy, learning system, and transactional distance differ between the two education contexts. To accomplish the above objectives, the researcher selected two classes in the eighth grade of a junior high school in Taipei County and adopted quasi-experimental method. The 76 students in these two classes were given six periods of the experimental education during a span of three weeks. After the experiment, a transactional distance perception scale was employed to collect the research data. Through statistical analysis of the data, the following conclusions were obtained: 1.In the traditional outdoor education context, transactional distance was affected by dialogue, structure, and learner autonomy. Increased dialogue was decreased transactional distance; increased structure was increased transactional distance; when learner autonomy was high, the smaller the transactional distance was. 2.In the outdoor education context involving application of mobile devices, transactional distance is affected by dialogue, structure, learning autonomy, and learning system. Increased dialogue was decreased transactional distance; increased structure was increased transactional distance; increased learning system was decreased transactional distance; when learner autonomy was high, the smaller the transactional distance was. 3.In outdoor education, application of mobile devices affected dialogue and transactional distance. Application of mobile devices could increase dialogue and decrease transactional distance. 4.Students in the experimental group showed positive responses to use of mobile devices provided by this research. Finally, based on the above conclusions, the researcher proposed a few suggestions for future researchers and the education practice: 1.Suggestions for future researchers: (1) The scope and age range of the research subjects can be increased; (2) Collaborative learning and individual learning can be included as research variables; (3) Every student can be equipped with a mobile device. 2.Suggestions for teachers: (1) Dialogue should be increased and structure should be reduced in the planning of outdoor education activities; (2) Dialogue should be increased in the planning of mobile learning activities and mobile learning systems; (3) Use of system should be increased in the design of mobile learning systems; (4) The campus environment should be utilized for outdoor education to increase students’ identification with the school; (5) To maintain the campus order, the venues for outdoor education should be carefully selected.




