  • 學位論文


A Study on the Status and Impact of Taiwan Researchers Use China's Electronic Academic Resources:A Case Study of National Cheng-Chi University

指導教授 : 陳昭珍


學術研究的產製對國家社會及經濟整體發展有直接的影響,學術文獻的引用與參考即為研究者主要的學術使用行為,而面對中國以優勢經濟挾帶龐大中國學術數位資源進入台灣學術電子市場,勢必造成學術傳播上的影響。故本研究之目的在於了解中國學術電子資源發展概況,以及台灣研究者使用情況,並探討不同學科領域的使用情況與看法,以了解中國學術資源對台灣不同領域研究者的學術影響力,藉此研究以提供研究者更妥適的中國學術電子資源,以及修正台灣購置國際學術電子資源的方向。   本研究首先進行相關文獻探討,其次以問卷調查法進行研究分析,回收有效問卷364份,並利用編製之「中國學術電子資源使用情形研究調查表」以取得研究者對中國學術電子資源的資訊行為以及資訊使用、參考與引用情況以及對中國學術電資源影響力的看法。依據分析結果,本論文提出結論主要包括:(1)圖書館為研究者得知與取得中國學術電子資源的主要通道;(2)中國學術電子資源取得價格過高成為研究者檢索與使用上最大困擾;(3)中國知識資源總庫為研究者使用頻率最高的資源,而社會科學領域又較文學領域研究者使用頻率高;(4)研究者主要參考中國學術文章之觀點,且閱讀比例偏低,但實際用於寫作卻占有相當比例;(5)研究者引用動機以研究主題所需為主,主要引用類型以期刊論文最多,而引用比例偏低約占文章5%以下;(6)研究者普遍認為中國學術資源良莠不齊,文學領域研究者認為文章缺乏較新穎的觀點,而社會科學領域研究者認為資訊或統計數字不夠準確以及學術作品較多論述,缺乏實際案例;(7)透過中國學術作品可了解中國立場的學術看法與觀點,但資源權威性與可信度仍不足;(8)引用後所發表或刊載於國際學術刊物的文章數量雖偏低,但總體而言已占相當之比例。


Productivity of research has direct impact on the development of the society and economy of a nation; the citation and reference of literature is the main act in academic usage. In light of the fact that with great economy China carries its numerous electronic resources into Taiwan’s digital academic resources market, there is necessary to understand the condition and academic impact of China’s electronic academic resources. This study is to find out the overview of the development of China’s electronic academic resources and the usage between Taiwan researchers, and to discuss the usage and viewpoints in different academic fields to grasp the academic impact on research in distinct study areas. This study is to provide researchers more proper China’s electronic research resources and revise the directions of Taiwan’s acquisition of international electronic academic resources.   This research firstly takes literature review, and uses survey as research approach with total 364 questionnaires recycled, and collect researchers’ opinions on behaviors, usage, reference and citation toward China’s electronic academic resources through “Research on China’s electronic academic resources usage table”. According to the analysis, conclusions are as follows: (1)Library is the main channel for researchers to learn of and to access to the electronic academic resources; (2) Cost on China’s electronic academic resources is too high, which is the most troublesome when researchers search and use; (3) Researches use CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure ) most frequently, and those in social science filed search more than those in literature field do. (4) Researchers refer to viewpoints in China’s scholarly articles, which has low proportion in reading, but use in actual writing; (5) Researchers’ motive for citation is based on the research topic, and they refer to periodicals more than any other resource category, but in low proportion, which is about 5% of the article; (6) Researchers generally agree with that the quality of China’s academic resources is uneven; those studying literature think it lack of new points of view, while those in social science field consider the information or statics inaccurate and that there are many discourses but less cases; (7) Researchers could learn of China’s scholarly viewpoints from articles but the credibility of those is inadequate; (8)Even the number of articles , with citation from China’s academic resources, is still low, but overall there is in considerable proportion.


王保進(2007)。高等教育之研究品質評核機制探討。高教評鑑, 1(1),23-50。
