  • 學位論文


From Revitalization, Identification to Development:An Inquiry Research of One Pingpu village

指導教授 : 陳茂泰


本研究探究台南縣佳里鎮北頭洋平埔村落從文化復振到自我認同的歷程以及村落未來的發展。 從1990年平埔熱潮掀起後,北頭洋在當時蘇煥智立委(現台南縣縣長)的扶植下於1999年初次舉辦夜祭活動,由於北頭洋的西拉雅傳統祭典流失已久,其夜祭模式完全複製自同屬於西拉雅蕭壟社系統的吉貝耍。基於北頭洋平埔村落的文化復振是由外力的扶植而非從部落內部自發籌辦,北頭洋居民的自我認同與對夜祭復振之態度與看法值得深入研究探討。   平埔族群在歷經荷西、鄭氏王朝、清帝國、日本強權與國民黨大中國沙文主義的多重統治,現今雖處於殖民者遠離的多元論述時代,但平埔族裔在長久歷史污名與備受歧視的自卑情感下,卻不敢承認自己是這塊土地原先主人的現象,研究者針對這些影響平埔文化復振運動的族群自我認同阻力予以分析詳述。   此外,研究者訪談村落居民的集體記憶,透過其記憶中的西拉雅文化,找尋北頭洋能藉以凝聚族群認同的元素,而非經由政府、專家學者的霸權再現,創造出讓北頭洋居民誤以為是歷史傳統的傳統。而在認同度的調查上,研究者以訪談式的問卷調查法(interview survey),對居民進行問卷訪談,在血緣認同與文化認同兩層面上,訪查部落居民的自我認同,並以統計表方式呈現再以質性方式分析結果。   最後探討北頭洋平埔村落在社區發展協會規劃下及行政院勞委會的人力支援,其經營發展模式與困境。


平埔族 西拉雅族 北頭洋 復振 認同


This is an inquiring research of one Pingpu village,called as Pâk-thâu- iûⁿ and located at Chiali township, Tainan county. It's ethnic process, from revitalization,identification to development, stands out to be the main focus of this thesis.   Kapas-au,another Pingpu village, held “night ritual” in the 90s, and Pâk-thâu- iûⁿ followed suit in 1999 and copied Kapas-au's ritual model fully. Behind the scenes, Pâk-thâu- iûⁿ's failure to this ritual tradition is the main reason, and the bureaucratism and agency's decision to revive this tradition (that is from top to bottom policy)as another important factors. Pâk-thâu- iûⁿ's reactions to this type of cultural revitalization are worth-while research topics thereof.   On the other hand, what really counts is why the external colonial forces(that is the Dutch, the Zheng dynasty, the Japanese and Kuomintang)have already passed, the Pingpu, under modern era of multiculturalism, still do not dare to acknowledge themselves as the original master on this land, what is wrong with their self-identity? Do they have any collective memory as the basis to express their ethnic identity whatever? Questionnaire interview and its statistical data have been analyzed in this study to clarify such fussy phenomena and provide some qualitative explanations.   Finally, this research examines how this ethnic group manages its development projects, initiated by the Community Development Association and the Manpower Support of the Executive Yuan Councils of Labor Affairs. Than, this study suggests that this ethnic group require intense effort to walk in its own way, walking on the path their people plan by themselves. Best wishes for their ethnic development in the future.


曼威˙科司特(Manuel Castells)著,夏鑄九、黃麗玲 譯
1990, Cultural Identity and Diaspora. In Kathryn Woodward, Identity and Difference, London: Sage.


