  • 學位論文


Body-Language-Play: The way to self-understanding through philosophical investigation in and with sports

指導教授 : 劉一民


本篇論文的主旨在經由對存在處境的覺察與哲學對話的理解實踐行動中,提出運動知識內涵與研究核心要素的關鍵問題探究。 首先走向與文獻對話之途。在伽達默爾語言理解模式與梅洛龐蒂身體圖式理解模式的對話裡發現差異與相同處,並透過遊戲經典理論的觀點詮釋,進一步提出「探究作為一種遊戲」的實踐意義。 接著,通過對現有處境的覺察之路,分別從運動行者(實作經驗者)與運動研究者的雙向角度來探索運動知識的內涵和問題呈現。以運動行者立場出發,領域知識蘊藏在技術學習、訓練、比賽/表演等實踐經驗過程中,具備一種充滿生命表現的意義圖像;以運動研究者的角度切入,則發現目前的研究領域分化並無法觸及研究意義的核心,運動研究不應該只是一種作為各種學科衍化的分支研究或者是純粹的「人體活動」研究,它必須具備人文實踐關懷,一種同時重視運動者生命(或知識)歷程以及研究者自身位置覺察的反思行動,並且必須體認到理論與實踐之間相互辯證、彼此作用的基本關係。 最後,以間接的故事譬喻與直接論述方式,進入一種整體性的反思探究。一方面呈顯「理解事件」的現世影像;一方面也針對論文書寫的主要內容與概念進行解釋,從詮釋實踐中,體驗理解意義。


身體 語言 遊戲 自我理解 運動哲學


The relationship among the concepts of body, language and play is the key to the core of the knowledge of sports research although most people used to concern “body” as the only focus for research in the field. The attempt in this study, therefore, is to clarify the meaning of the claim. However, the way of approaching this claim is not only by directly explaining in general, but also by metaphorical descriptions to show the awareness in a reflective situation. Thus the whole dissertation can be regarded as a journey toward self-understanding. It develops into the three different directions. The first is in a theorizing way. By asking “what is understanding?”,the researcher started her inquiry through a dialogues with some philosophical texts, written by Hans-Georg Gadamer, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Michael Polanyi, Bernard Suits, J. Huizinga and etc. In this part, addressing the history of her understanding to the concept of understanding, a theorizing correlation among body, language and play was exhibited in the writing. The second one is the action to exemplify the horizon fusion, responding to the inspirations from the first trip. The knowledge of sports was reflected on due to the understanding and discussed into two parts, being in the sports and with sports. The being in the sports focused on the people who got knowledge by doing, indulging themselves into the real world of sports while the other one focused on the ones who do the research with sports. The meanings of knowledge from these two perspectives sketched two different pictures, and that were explored in this study. In the final, the reflective action on the whole process of the inquiry was interpreted in two ways. The one was by story-telling, and the other was to express directly, by analyzing and describing. Key words: body, language, play, self-understanding, sports


body language play self-understanding sports


Furth, Charlotte. Doing Research on the History of the Body: Representation and Experience.,《近代中國婦女史研究》,8(台北,2000.06):179-193。
