  • 學位論文

七○年代鄉土文學中的〈台灣意識〉 -以《台灣文藝》小說為例

The Taiwan Consciousness of Taiwanese Nativist Literature in the 1970s : Take the short stories in Taiwanese Literature for example

指導教授 : 林芳玫


七○年代台灣的鄉土文學的本質應是現實主義的,以社會價值為文學價值觀念的行程,與當時日益尖銳的社會矛盾與社會問題密切相關,同時與一個熟悉台灣現實生活的本土青年作家群的堀起有關。而這些作家群,鮮有不曾與七○年代台灣本土性刊物《台灣文藝》有著或深或淺的感情,或直接投入《台灣文藝》的創作中的。七○年代《台灣文藝》的台灣本土文藝精神,展現的是一個回歸「現實」的年代——所謂七○年代的精神,也展現在其所收錄的小說作品中,要理解這些特色,理應從其所做出來的成績或作品中去抽絲剝繭,如此,才能竭盡所能做成最客觀之解釋,這也是本文研究的內容。 本論文試圖以《台灣文藝》為研究主軸,將其在七○年代所出刊的38期刊物中所收錄的359篇小說為經,七○年代鄉土文學風潮為緯,找出具代表性的作品,扒梳小說主題與內容的特色及其文本中展現的敘事與認同模式。並進一步探究七○年代,在兩位本土文學大老主編(吳濁流與鍾肇政)的影響下,所編選的小說文本中,早已潛流的台灣意識與認同的覺醒,和可視為隱蔽文本的被壓抑的集體記憶,驗證七○年代鄉土文學中早已內化於文字作品中的台灣意識。


The essence of Taiwanese nativist literature in the 1970s was realism. It mainly focused on the rising conflict and closed to those acute issues at the time, and was connected to a group of young writers, who were familiar with the real life in Taiwan. Most of them were involved in the writing in Taiwanese Literature and had a great affection towards it. The motif of Taiwanese Literature in the 1970s presented the era of reality-returning, which was consistent with the essence of the 1970s. The novels published in Taiwanese Literature at the time must reflect this character also, and affected, even be affected by, the development of Taiwanese nativist literature. Since Taiwanese Literature was regarded as a publication with strong Taiwan-centered concepts, this study is based on 359 short stories published there in the 1970s and associated with the debate on the nativist literature, to approach the narration and the social identity from those novels. And to probe into all the issues of Taiwanese Literature in the 1970s, which were edited by two authorities on Taiwanese nativist literature, Mr. Wu and Mr. Chong, to investigate the Taiwan consciousness and the hidden transcript of mass repressed emotion at the time had presented in those novels already.


