  • 學位論文

從「山本氏記念碑」 探究在台日人的移民生涯事蹟 —以山本義信為例

A Study on the Deeds of Japanese Immigrant in Taiwan through the Yamamoto’s Monument— Taking Yamamoto Yoshinobu for Example

指導教授 : 陳茂泰


「員山淨水池『現中和瑞穗配水池』」見證了地方水源開發史;「山本氏記念碑」刻記著街民感念山本義信街庄長之卓越貢獻。此縣定古蹟蘊含珍貴文史及豐富的教學資源。 本論文嘗試以人文關懷無分國族秉持自由主義之教育哲學理論探究渡臺奮鬥歷程。方法上以日治時期之文獻檔案探討為主,輔以相關人士之私文書、私領域探討、田野調查等交叉印證,以寫實手法呈現一位日人渡臺生涯事蹟。 論文主題分為「山本氏記念碑與中和瑞穗配水池」、「山本義信在臺之事業」、「山本義信參與之地方行政、地方自治與公共事務」、「山本義信與臺灣人士之情誼」、「還原史實活化文化資產」五大部份: 一、「山本氏記念碑與中和瑞穗配水池」:重構了臺灣日治時期飲水衛生、自來水道鋪設工程、記念碑文的發掘與整理,試圖還原山本義信對板橋街庄之卓越貢獻。 二、「山本義信在臺之事業」:論述山本義信渡臺初期倚賴臺灣人之協助,而安身立命於臺灣,繼而創立炭鑛、砂金事業。心繫國人體力弱,建設公共公園(羽衣園)以回饋第二故鄉—臺灣。 三、「山本義信參與之地方行政、地方自治與公共事務」:闡述街庄升格,社會教化全人品德,拯救臺灣炭鑛命脈,更致力於地方建設,捐獻經費,奠定板橋街繁榮發展之基礎。 四、「山本義信與臺灣人士之情誼」探究其渡臺期間,為人豪邁重情義理之人格特質奠定與小鑛商、昔日員工、大富豪、地方仕紳、林本源家族建立優質人脈及情誼為其在臺衝撞事業之動力來源。 五、「還原史實活化文化資產」:論述何義麟教授之「臺灣少年工」、日本保坂校長之「望鄉的鐵鎚」與本研究之「山本氏記念碑」,三者異曲同工之自由主義取向之人本精神理念與做法,期望能藉由教育資源及人道關懷能還予當事人該有的尊嚴。 踏尋山本義信之軌跡後,除緬懷山本義信對臺灣之奉獻,更期以教學資源活化古蹟再現山本義信之榮光。


Yuanshan Clear Water Reservoir (currently called Chungho Juisui Distribution Reservoir) bore witness to the history of discovery of a local wellspring while the Yamamoto’s Monument represented country folk’s grateful remembrance of the outstanding contribution made by Mr. Yamamoto Yoshinobu—Panchiao Township Head(1924~1930). This historic site, assigned by contemporary Taipei County Governments contains precious history and culture as well as abundant teaching resources. This paper aims to explore the rags-to-riches story of a Japanese immigrant to Taiwan, based on humanistic concerns, which transcend nationalities, races/ and liberalism,a branch of educational philosophy. The major method adopted is to study the archives of the period of Japanese Rule in Taiwan, confirmed by studies on private documents produced by relevant people in private domains as well as by myself in field work. In this way, the life story of a Japanese immigrant to Taiwan is realistically narrated. The following five topics are discussed in this paper: Yamamoto’s Monument and Chungho Juisui Distribution Reservoir, Yamamoto Yoshinobu’s business in Taiwan, Yamamoto Yoshinobu’s participation in the local administration, local autonomy, and public affairs, Yamamoto Yoshinobu’s friendship with the Taiwanese, and restoration of historical facts and revival of cultural heritage. 1. Yamamoto’s Monument and Chungho Juisui Distribution Reservoir: This part of the paper reviews the hygiene of drinking water in the period of Japanese Rule in Taiwan, the engineering work of laying water pipes, the discovery and organization of the monument text. It attempts to remember Yamamoto Yoshinobu’s outstanding contribution to Panchiao Village/Township. 2. Yamamoto Yoshinobu’s Business in Taiwan: This part discusses how Yamamoto Yoshinobu settled down in Taiwan by relying on the assistance offered by some Taiwanese people after he first came to Taiwan, how he then established a coal mine and an alluvial gold business, and how he built a park (Hagoromo Park, meaning “Feather Mantle Park”) to express his gratitude to Taiwan as his second home, because he was very much concerned about the poor health of the Taiwanese people, whom he called his “fellow countrymen.” 3. Yamamoto Yoshinobu’s Participation in the Local Administration, Local Autonomy, and Public Affairs: This part elaborates on how he helped with the upgrading of Panchiao Village to Panchiao Township, promoted social education, character education and holistic development of children, and saved the life pulse of coal mines in Taiwan. Furthermore, he laid the foundation for the prosperity and development of Panchiao Township by devoting himself to local construction and making donations. 4. Yamamoto Yoshinobu’s Friendship with the Taiwanese: This section studies what role his bold and generous character and his great care about brotherhood played in building fine quality relationship / friendship with owners of small coalmines, former employees, millionaires, local gentry and the Lin Penyuan family, from which he drew the strength to run his businesses in Taiwan. 5. Restoration of Historical Facts and Revival of Cultural Heritage. This section discusses how Taiwanese Teenage Workers by Professor Ho, Yi-lin, The Hammer Looking Homewards by Mr. Hosaka, a principal of a Japanese school, and the Yamamoto’s Monument being studied herein express the same liberalism-oriented and humanistic philosophy and approaches but in different phraselogy, in the hope that by means of utilization of relevant teaching resources and humanitarian concerns, the heroes of these stories may be given back the dignity due to them. After following the trail of Yamamoto Yoshinobu’s footsteps, in addition to cherishing the memory of his dedication to Taiwan, the author desires to revive this historical site and restore the glorious deeds of Yamamoto Yoshinobu by utilizing accessible teaching resources.


1960 臺北縣志 卷17 水利志,臺北:臺北縣文獻編輯委員會。
