  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 王麗雲


本研究透過文件分析、訪談及問卷調查,探究臺北市非學校型態實驗教育目標、目標適當性及達成情形,並根據研究結論,提出建議,供臺北市政府教育局、學生學籍學校及相關方案辦理者參考。訪談部分,計訪談4名申請者、3名學生學籍學校代表及5名審議委員,共計12名方案關係人;問卷部分,寄出327份問卷,回收126份有效問卷。 綜合文件分析、調查研究與訪談研究發現,得到以下結論: 一、申請者多屬於高社經背景,且以品格教育、自主學習、適性教育及家庭凝聚力為主要的申請原因。 二、學生學籍學校對非學校型態實驗教育之課程設計、師資、教學資源及成效之評價均高於審議委員。 三、臺北市政府教育局對外宣稱之方案主要目標為「保障學生學習權」,然而方案關係人認為方案主要目標是「尊重家長教育選擇權」。 四、在各項申請理由中,「學生品格教育」是申請者認為最為合理的申請理由,然而學生學籍學校及審議委員卻認為「學生適性學習」及「學生健康因素」是最為合理的申請理由。 五、臺北市非學校型態實驗教育方案達成「尊重家長教育選擇權」之目標,在「保障學生學習權」部分仍有改進之處。 依據研究結論,提出建議如下: 一、對臺北市政府教育局之建議: (一)「尊重家長教育選擇權」及「保障學生學習權」兩目標需平衡,並確實達成。 (二)增設分組承辦學校及調整相關單位權責,改善審查及評鑑流程,促成方案目標達成。 二、對學生學籍學校之建議 (一)落實校內初審及評鑑機制。 (二)提供教學和親職服務。 三、對後續研究之建議 (一)在研究範圍上,可擴及不同縣市。 (二)在研究對象上,更廣泛蒐集申請者的意見。 (三)問卷調查時,可區分為國中及國小。 (四)實施成效上,可檢視申請者之實施成效達成原本申請預期目標之程度。


The thesis investigates the program goals of non-school-based experimental education, implementation and program effectiveness of Taipei government through document analysis, interviews, and surveys by questionnaire. Suggestions are offered for Taipei city government, schools, and relevant program managers based on the the findings of the research. In interviews, four applicants, three representatives of schools and five review committee members were interviewed. As for questionnaires, 327 questionnaires were sent out, and 126 of them are retrieved. Based on the document analysis, surveys and interviews, the following conclusions are made: A. Most of the applicants are of high socio-economic background. Main reasons for applying the experimental education include character education, self-directed learning, adaptive education, and family cohesion. B. Schools’ assessment of the design of curriculum, teachers, teaching resources and effects of non-school based experimental education are higher than those of reviewing members. C. The Bureau of Education of the Taipei city government, proclaims that the goal of the program is ‘protecting students’ right to learn’. However, applicants perceive the goals of the program as ‘respecting parents’ right to choose education for their children’ D. Among all the reasons for application, ‘students’ character education’ is considered as the most rightful reason by applicants. Nonetheless, schools and the review committee members considers ‘adaptive learning’ and ‘student’s conditions of health are the most rightful reasons for application. E. Non-school-based experimental education in Taipei achieves the goal of ‘respecting parents’ right to choose education for their children’, but it does not achieve the goal of ‘protecting students’ right to learn’. According to the findings of the study, the following suggestions are provided: A. Suggestions to Bureau of Education of Taipei city government: (a)Manage to meet the dual goals of ‘respecting parents’ right to choose education for their children’ and ‘protecting children’s right to learn. (b)Assign schools with more rigorous responsibility in reviewing and evaluating the applications. Improve the reviewing process and evaluation mechanism to make sure the goals of the program are met. B. Suggestions to schools (a) Strengthen first-tier review conducted by schools. (b) Provide teaching help when needed. C. Suggestions for future studies: (a) In terms of the research scope, it can be expanded to other cities and counties. (b) More cases can be surveyed to obtain more comprehensive opinions. (c) Future data collection and analysis can be divided into junior high schools and elementary schools. (d)Conduct more thorough evaluation of the program effectiveness.




