  • 學位論文


The Study on Managament of Swimming Teaching in Taipei City

指導教授 : 高新建


課程管理是政府對學校所採取的管理措施。本研究由課程管理的角度來研究臺北市游泳教學管理,將臺北市政府頒布之《臺北市政府教育局加強各級學校游泳教學提升學生游泳能力計畫》,視同課程政策,其他系列相關之教育政策,視同課程相關政策。為達研究目的,本研究採用文件分析法及訪談法蒐集資料。並歸納研究結果提出以下結論: 一、臺北市游泳教學管理,投入約2.74億經費,頒布三十幾種文件,實施成果豐碩,付出的努力,值得嘉許。目前有達成119座游泳池的預期目標(冷水游泳池14座,溫水游泳池105座),但溫水游泳池維護管理經費負擔龐大。97學年度學生游泳能力檢測通過率75.9%、勝任游泳教學師資比率61%,未達預期目標,仍待提升。其課程相關政策包括五種類型:在制度規範方面有課程願景與目標、課程文件、教學方法與教學時間;在教學資源方面有教材編審及選用、師生編組與調配、資訊管理系統;在人力資源方面有師資培育、救生員編制、遴聘與考核、教師專業成長;在環境資源方面有教學環境資源規劃、游泳池安全維護管理;在成果考評方面:學習成就評量、視導評鑑。彼此互相關聯,有很多創舉,但不夠完善,尤其在制度規範方面最需要改善,例如:課程文件沒有課程願景、缺認知及情意方面的課程目標、缺水上安全教育的規範、未清楚規範游泳課上課時數、初學年級及能力分組協同教學應如何實施;在教學資源方面,很用心編輯出版了「學校游泳安全管理手冊」、「臺北市學校體育及衛生法規彙編」及「游你在、我無礙」特教教學DVD,但缺乏宣導推廣運用,實在可惜;人力資源方面最迫切要改善的是國小體育專任師資嚴重不足;環境資源方面,「游泳池安全維護管理檢核表」內容相當周詳實用,建議能延續辦理該評鑑。 二、臺北市游泳教學管理靈活運用了四類課程管理相關策略:「一致性」指交互參照、協調配合或互相增強,其一致性並不高。「指示性」方面,「明細度」有「方向明確、充分授權」,但不夠「詳細具體」無法「確實遵辦」,經一再修正以提高其「明細度」;提高「廣泛度」的作法如「配合課程實施,修訂其他法令」,頒布《臺北市推動民間參與市立各級學校運動設施營運管理權利金支用要點》,「其他法令修訂,影響課程相關政策」,行政院體育委員會頒布《游泳池管理規範》,影響救生員編制及能力分組協同教學的實施,臺北市政府頒布《臺北市98年度暑期游泳訓練營實施計畫》以符合規定。「權威性」包括制度的變更或建立、服務的提供、行政命令及辦法的發布、經費的補助、知識和訊息的發現和散播、領導者的魅力及忠告善導、專門知識的指引、規範的約束、傳統的成規、楷模標竿的樹立、觀摩或競賽等11項,最常利用服務的提供、行政命令及辦法的發布、經費的補助等策略。「權力性」幾乎沒有用到「制裁」,「獎勵」中,對學校較常用到的是「補助經費」、「提供資源」、「頒發獎牌、獎盃或獎狀」;對學生「發給檢測通過證書」,對教育人員較常用到「記功敘獎」、與、「公開表揚」等策略。 三、臺北游泳教學管理所遭遇的困難及解決方式如下: (一)在短期間內要擴增溫水游泳池 1.遭遇的困難:如何在短期間內擴增溫水游泳池。 2.解決方式:編專款,先推「冷水游泳池改建溫水游泳池專案」,,提前規劃設計,年初預算一過就執行。 (二)教育行政人員實務經驗不足 1.遭遇的困難:教育行政人員實務經驗不足,推出的政策較無法符合學校的需求。 2.解決方式:組織諮詢小組,透過開會及資訊交流管道,提供一些實務上的諮詢意見。 (三)學校排斥推展夜間開放泳池政策 1.遭遇的困難:學校不配合推展夜間開放泳池政策。 2.解決方式:究其因,由教育局補助水電費及開辦費。 (四)無游泳池學校也必須上游泳課 1.遭遇的困難:必須設法讓無游泳池學校學生也能上游泳課。 2.解決方式:實施泳池資源分享政策、補助泳池資源分享交通費及試辦週休二日游泳訓練營之鐘點費、交通費等經費。 (五)實施「泳池資源分享計畫」的交通問題 1.遭遇的困難:必須處理無游泳池學校上游泳課的交通問題。 2.解決方式:統一由教育局出面與業者訂定開口合約租用交通車並補助交通費。 (六)保險費太貴 1.遭遇的困難:個別學校去保險保費很高。 2.解決方式:由教育局出面整個跟保險公司議價,訂定所謂開口合約。例如暑期游泳訓練營的意外險及游泳池公共意外責任險都是採用這個方式辦理。 關鍵詞:游泳教學、課程相關政策、課程管理、課程管理策略


Curriculum governance is the Government's management measures adopted by schools. This study was conducted by curriculum governance point of view of teaching management in Taipei to promote swimming. The Taipei City Government Bureau of Education promulgated the "Taipei City Government Bureau of Education to enhance teaching at all levels of schools, enhancing students swimming ability to swim program," regarded as curriculum policy, Other series related to education policy, curriculum policies as if. To achieve the aims, the study used document analysis and interviews to collect information, summarized the findings the following conclusions: 1, Taipei swimming teaching management, investment funds of about 274 million, issued by 30 types of documents, implementation of the fruitful efforts, commendable. There are currently expected to reach 119 goals swimming pool, but the heated swimming pool maintenance and management of the huge financial burden. Academic year 97 students swimming ability test pass rate 75.9%, qualified swimming teacher ratio of 61% teaching, up to expectations, yet to improve. The curriculum-related policies, including five types: there are courses in the system on the vision and goals, curriculum documents, teaching methods and teaching time; in teaching resources, teaching materials from the pipeline and selection, student grouping and deployment of information management systems; in human resources have teacher training, lifeguard establishment, and must step down and assessment, teacher professional development; in a teaching environment environmental resources resource planning, swimming pool safety maintenance management; the results of evaluation: the learning evaluation and, depending on the evaluation guide. Related to each other, there are a lot of initiative, but not perfect, especially in the system on the most needed improvements, such as: curriculum document does not program vision, lack of cognitive and affective aspects of the curriculum objectives, lack of water safety education on the standard, no clear standard swimming class contact hours, grades and ability grouping beginners how to implement team teaching; in teaching resources, very carefully edited and published the "School Swimming Safety Management Manual", "Taipei Physical Education and Health Registry" and "You are you, I did not prevent the "special education teaching DVD, but the lack of public awareness to promote the use of a pity; human resources is the most urgent need to improve elementary school physical education full-time teachers is grossly inadequate; environmental resources," swimming pool safety maintenance checklist "content very detailed and practical proposals to extend the evaluation process. 2, Taipei City Government for the promotion of swimming teaching management flexibility in the use of the four types of course management related strategies: "Consistency" refers to cross-reference, coordinate with or enhance each other. In this study the curriculum related policies have low constistency."Prescriptiveness":"Indicative ", the" degree of detail, "a" direction is clear, full authority, "but not" more specific "can not" does comply ", which has been repeatedly modified to improve its" degree of detail. Improve the "breadth" approach such as "with the curriculum implementation, amendments to other laws," enacted "to promote civil participation in the Taipei City Sports Facilities operations management schools at all levels spent royalty points", the "other Act amendments affect the curriculum-related policies" , Sports Affairs Council issued the "Swimming Pool Management Standards", affect the ability of the lifeguard establishment and implementation of team teaching group, the Taipei City Government promulgated the "Taipei City Summer Swimming Camp 98 year implementation plan" to meet the requirements. "Authority" includes system changes or the establishment, services, administrative orders and measures the release of grant funds, knowledge and information discovery and dissemination of the charm of leadership and advice of good leadership, expertise, guidance, strict norms traditional conventions, a model of the set benchmark, observe or 11 contests, the most commonly used services, administrative orders and measures the release of funding strategies and subsidies. "Power" of almost no use, "sanctions" to "reward" in the school to the more commonly used is the "subsidy fund", "resources", "awarded medals, trophies and awards"; on the students "passed the test given certificate "to the more commonly used on the educators," Syria Merits Award ", and" public recognition "and other strategies. 3, Taipei City Government Bureau of Education for the promotion of swimming teaching management difficulties and solutions in the following manner: (A) to be amplified in a short period of heated swimming pool1. The difficulties: how to amplify a short period of heated swimming pool. 2. Solution: compile special funds, first to implement the "cold-water heated pool project to change", early planning and design, through implementation of an early budget.(B) lack of practical experience, education administrators1. The difficulties: lack of practical experience, education administrators, policy introduced more unable to meet school needs.2. Solution: Organization Advisory Group meetings and information exchange through the channels, to provide some practical advice.(C) open the pool at night school exclusion policy to promote1. The difficulties: schools do not open the pool at night with the promotion of the policy.2. Solution: The reasons, utilities and start-up grant from the Bureau of Education.(D) No swimming schools have a swimming lesson1. The difficulties: the need to allow students in schools without swimming pools can be a swimming lesson.2. Solution: implementation of the policy of resource sharing pool, pool resources and share benefits and transportation costs of the pilot part-time weekend swim camp fees, transportation fees, expenses.(E) implementation of the "pool resources and share the" traffic problem1. The difficulties: no swimming schools have to deal with traffic problems in a swimming lesson.2. Solutions: unified by the Bureau of Education to intervene with the industry to set the opening and contract hire car traffic transportation subsidies.(F) insurance is too expensive1. The difficulties: individual schools to the high insurance premiums.2. Solution: come forward by the Education Bureau with insurance companies throughout the negotiation, set the so-called open contracts. Such as summer camp swimming pool accident insurance and public liability accidents are handled this way. Keywords: Curriculum governance, Curriculum related policies, Course Management Strategies, Swimming Teaching




