  • 學位論文


Time-Space, Social Exchange, and Discipline

指導教授 : 蘇淑娟


新竹科學園區裡大量的單身者,造成了園區內婚友媒合活動盛行的現象。本研究處理新竹科學園區單身男性工程師的婚友媒合現況,從媒合業的形成、媒合活動的形式、媒合空間的營造三個面向,呈現新竹科學園區的媒合活動。 首先,本研究以結構化理論,探討新竹科學園區地區的媒合業者,是如何在外部結構力量,以及內部能動者的交互作用之下形塑出來。研究發現,該地區的媒合業者,是順應著新竹科學園區的社會脈絡,藉由原本結構力量形成的環境,由園區內部的科技公司與園區工程師,所共形塑出的能動力量。其次,媒合業者與男性工程師,藉由社會交換的方式,共構了媒合活動。其中,除了活動費用外,工程師更提供給不同的業者婚姻對於科技業工程師工作穩定的效益,以及拓展社交空間的機會;而媒合業者則提供了蒐尋婚配對象的資訊捷徑給工程師。最後,為了媒合的效率,業者營造出專家系統下的媒合規訓空間,以提升媒合的效益。 本研究中的媒合業者,實屬媒合活動當中的能動力量,他們決定媒合活動的形式;亦屬於結構力量,因為他們限制參與者媒合的形式以及所蒐尋的的對象。但工程師亦可以依靠本身力量或意願的行使,影響媒合業者的種種決定。本研究的媒合業者,不論是對於參與者的供給,或是權力的掌控,皆有別於台灣與東南亞跨國婚姻仲介業者與參與媒合者的關係。


A great number of single male engineers in Science Industry Park have caused the prevalence of matchmaking activities. This study begins with the situation of single male engineers in Hsinchu Science Industry Park, and presents the matchmaking activities from three aspects: the formation of matchmaking companies, the form of matchmaking activities, and the creation of matchmaking space for activities. The study aims to investigate the matchmaking phenomenon with Structuration Theory. The focus is on how matchmaking industry becomes present by both external and internal agency. The findings are as follows. First, the matchmakers are the agents shaped by technologies and engineers. They also comply with the social context of the Hsinchu Science Industry Park, which in this case stands for the external agency. Second, through social exchanges, matchmakers and engineers form the matchmaking activities. Whilst matchmakers provide engineers with the short cut to marriage, engineers provide social opportunities for matchmakers to make friends. Such activities also lead to some side benefits, such as job stability at work. Last, in order to match the engineers efficiently, matchmakers create disciplined space to maximize matching success. Matchmakers in this study are agents. They can decide the forms of matchmaking activities. However, they are also structure that regulates the forms of matchmaking and the diversity of participants. Engineers also can affect matchmakers’ decisions by their own agency and power. The matchmakers in this study are different from the transnational marriage agencies between Taiwan and Southeast Asia in the balance of power, and the relation between matchmakers and the engineers.


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