  • 學位論文


Research for Participation involvement VS Academic Achievement and Sleeping Quality of Junior High School Students in Hsinchu

指導教授 : 鄭志富


本研究旨在探討新竹市國民中學學生的運動參與程度、成績表現以及其睡眠品質情形,並比較新竹市國民中學學生不同年級、性別、學業自我努力程度、家庭社經地位以及老師、家長、朋友對運動的支持度等人口背景變項,在運動參與程度方面之差異,且進一步探討新竹市國民中學學生運動參與程度與成績表現、睡眠品質之關聯性。 本研究對象以新竹市12所國民中學及3所完全中學國中部學生,以隨機抽樣方式抽取樣本,於各年級分別抽取5班,共計15個班級,523名國中生學生,回收有效問卷共計471份,佔施測問卷的90.06%,透過問卷調查法搜集所需資料,並以描述性統計、t檢定、ANOVA和皮爾森積差相關進行資料分析與處理。研究分析結果如下: 一、新竹市國中生中,男女性及年級人數比例相差不多、學業自我努力程度普通及中等社經地位家庭居多,而其所獲得的運動支持度以教師所提供的最低。 二、新竹市男性國中生、高家庭社經地位及受到較高的家人和朋友運動支持度者,其運動參與程度較高。 三、新竹市男性國中生及受到較高的家人、老師和朋友之運動支持度者,其睡眠品質較好。 四、新竹市國中生以學業自我努力程度認真、高家庭社經地位及受到較高的家人運動支持度者,其成績表現明顯優於其他學生。 五、新竹市國中生運動參與程度較高者,其睡眠品質、成績表現明顯優於其他學生。即增加運動參與程度,可以改善睡眠品質,對於成績表現也有助益。 依據研究結果,顯現學生之成績表現、睡眠品質與運動參與程度的正向關係,建議師長除體育課外,應多帶領學生參與運動,實質增加學生運動參與之頻率。進而促進學生於國中時期即培養良好健康生活型態與生活品質。


This research aimed at investigating three different factors, including involvement of sport, academic achievement, and sleeping quality of junior-high school students in Hsinchu. In this study, these three factors were evaluated with respect to a variety of socioeconomic indicators. The first class of indicator was personal background of the sampled student, including gender, grades and dedication of study. The second class of indicators was population background of the object, including family socioeconomic status, and supportiveness from their parents, teachers and friends. Finally, the causality of interests of this study, which were involvement of sport, academic achievement, and sleeping quality of junior high students in Hsinchu, against variables in this investigation were fully discussed. The subjects in this study were the students randomly selected from 12 junior high schools and 3 complete middle schools in Hsinchu. The sample consists of 523 students distributed from 15 classes in which 5 classes were sampled from 7, 8 and 9 grade. In this study, 471 copies were effective which took 90.06% of entire surveys. By analyzing and processing with descriptive statistics, including t-test, ANOVA and Pearson’ product-moment correlation correlation with gathering information from the surveys, the conclusions were as following: The facts found in this study include that junior high students in Hsinchu city, basically, unity ratio of different gender and amounts of students among different grades were identical, these students evaluated their own efforts on study with moderate satification, majority of their families’ socioecomic status is in the averaged level in the society and support for sports were seldom provided by their teachers. Second, based on the overall observation of this research, our sampling students, who were junior high students in Hsinchu, performed low degree of sports involvement, partially sufferred sleeping deficiency and poor sleeping quality. However, their academic achievement was still relatively high. The third finding of this study was the degree of sports involvement of our sampled students were attributed to different gender, family social status, support from self, family, and friends; most of these factors also affect their sleeping quality; different academic efforts, family social status, sports support, and family support can affect students’ academic achievement. The final result in this study suggested sleeping quality and academic achievement are positively associated with degree for sports involvement; increasing sports involvement improve junior high student’s sleeping quality and benefit their academic performance. To sum up, this research suggested that excellent academic achievement, good sleeping quality junior high school students in Hsinchu were highly correlated to the degree of involvement of sport. Therefore, teachers were highly recommended to encourage students to increase their frequency of exercise, for not only learning healthy life style but also promote their overall life quality.




