  • 學位論文


A Study on the Right of Senior High School Students Attendance to the School Council

指導教授 : 劉昊洲


本研究參酌法理以及教育學等觀點,探討我國高中職學生參與校務會議之權利。經由文獻研究之途徑,歸納出下列幾項研究結果: 一、高中職學生的教育基本權之依據為憲法第22條,必須要讓學生之人格得以自由開展,意涵人格開展權以及自由決定權,讓學生出席校務會議,參與校務的決定有助於落實教育基本權的保障。 二、學生參與校務會議有助於公民教育目標的達成,學習內化人權、民主、與法治等價值。且以高中職學生的心智發展來看,足以獨立自主參與校務會議。 三、參與校務會議之學生代表必須依循多元參與原則,透過民主選舉產生,且以「直接與學生權益相關事項」為學生參與的界限。 四、高中職學生參與校務會議的權利應該予以法制化,建議修訂高級中學法、職業學校法之相關規定,將校務會議的組成列入學生代表。


On the basis of current laws regarding education and referring to legal theory and educational viewpoints, the present study aims to discuss the right of senior high school students attendance to the school council. With the approach of literature review and observational method, the study draws some conclusions as follows: First, senior high school students fundamental rights of education is based on Article 22 of the Constitution. Fundamental right of education is to ensure self-realization of students, meaning to free development of personality. Students to attend school council help to protect fundamental rights of education. Second, students attended to the school council will help achievement of the goals of civic education. Students can learn of human rights, democracy, rule of law values. Moreover, mental development of high school students participate in school council has been enough independent. Third, School Council student representatives must be elected by the democratic, following the principle of multiple participation. Students can participate in the discussion their own rights-related motions. Fourth, I recommend that Senior High School Law and the Vocational School Act must be amended. The school council should include the student representatives.


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