  • 學位論文


The Encounter in the Drama—The Effects of Creative Drama to theSocial Skills Development of Elementary School Students with Asperger's Syndrome

指導教授 : 張正芬


本研究以行動研究探討國小身心障礙資源班教師以創作性戲劇融入一位亞斯柏格症學童社交技巧學習之行動歷程。研究目的在以創作性戲劇內涵與元素的應用,觀察亞斯柏格症學童參與創作性戲劇課程之成長蛻變;探討身心障礙資源班教師在行動歷程中之專業成長;藉以提供資源班教師社交技巧教學另一個面向的教學參考。 研究動機起始於研究者平日對於亞斯柏格症學童的學習特徵以及教學現場的觀察,並連結過去的學習經驗,結合創作性戲劇和社交技巧兩者相關文獻的探討與認知,進一步擬定行動計畫。在初階、進階兩階段教學行動中持續觀察、省思與執行修正策略,並於行動歷程中持續蒐集資料,進行資料歸納,彙整出本研究之發現與結論。 研究發現以創作性戲劇引導亞斯柏格症學童在自由、開放的教學氣氛中,初階課程以「1、2、3木頭人」、「鏡子遊戲」…等活動,進階課程以「合作的數字」、「超級幻想家」…等活動,透過感官感受、肢體動作、想像、模仿、角色扮演和默劇元素,從個體自我肢體的開展觀察自己,進而延伸到與他人連結,察覺團體中同儕的溝通訊息,並藉由支持系統的鷹架建立,創造與同儕合作互動的機會,融合創作性戲劇之教學活動後,亞斯柏格症學童在社交技巧上的覺察能力、順從技巧、同儕關係以及自我管理技巧皆有所成長與改變。 研究結果方面,透過創作性戲劇意外的看見有別於以往課程對於研究對象的既定印象,開展出亞斯柏格症學童的優勢能力,藉由優勢能力的因勢利導協助弱勢能力的成長。透過行動研究回饋、省思與修正的歷程,研究者對於社交技巧教學所介入的策略有更多面向的思考。最後依據研究發現與研究結果,對於任教身心障礙資源班的教師與即將以創作性戲劇進行教學或研究的教師提出相關建議。


This is an action research that explores the process of how special education teachers integrate creative drama with social skills teaching for one student with Asperger’s Syndrome. With the application of the creative drama features into the teaching curriculums, the aims of the action research are to investigate the development of the Asperger’s Syndrome children as they participate in the creative drama curriculum, to explore the professional growth of the special education teachers as they teach along the process of the action research, as well as to provide special education teachers with various facets of the social skills teaching experience. The planning of the action research was motivated by the researcher’s daily observation of the Asperger’s Syndrome children’s learning characteristics, association of the researcher’s past learning experience, as well as literature reviews of both creative drama and social skills. The following findings of the research were synthesized throughout the two stages of the action research, the beginning and the advanced stages, as the researcher constantly observed, reflected, modified the strategies, gathered data, and finally categorized and summarized the findings into the results of this research. The results of the research show that creative drama provides Asperger’s Syndrome children with a more liberal and open environment for learning. Moreover, the activities in fundamental levels included “Green Light, Red Light,” “Copy Cat,” and others while some in advanced levels contained “Collaboration Numbers,” “Imaginary,” and many others. These children participated in creative drama, and they were guided with social skills through sensations, body movements, imaginations, imitations, role play, and pantomime, and many others, which would provide the Asperger’s Syndrome children with more opportunities to develop their body movements as well as observe their own selves. As soon as these children become more familiar with their own selves, they would begin to build relationships with others, become aware of the communication signals within their peer groups. Furthermore, through the scaffolding of the support system, they would have ability to create opportunities to interact and cooperate with their peers. As the teaching activities are combined with the elements of drama and social skills, they would help children diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome develop various social abilities such as awareness of the social skills, compliance skills, peer relationship and self-management skills. Furthermore, the results of the research indicate that through the application of creative drama in the classroom, children diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome have developed potentials that were not seen in those who received regular curriculums. This finding would further help teachers develop potentials of the Asperger's Syndrome children into their advantages as well as facilitating the growth of their weaker abilities. Through feedback, reflection and modification of the action research, the researcher has gained more dimensional ways of thinking as to how social skills can be integrated into teaching strategies for Asperger's Syndrome children. Finally, based on the findings and the results, the research provides relevant suggestions for special education teachers as well as for those who will apply creative drama in their classrooms and research in the future.




