  • 學位論文


Time Significance of People-centered Ideology in Huang Tsung-Hsi's "Min Yi Tai Fang Lu'

指導教授 : 黃人傑


黃宗羲(1610-1695)是中國十七世紀一位重要思想家,以明朝亡國遺臣之身,對明朝弊政及君主專制進行深刻的批判。他綜合了《孟子》「民貴君輕」、《禮記》「天下為公」等學說,建構了一套以民本為中心思想的政治理念與君主治理模式。  黃宗羲的民本思想包括君臣關係論、學校議政論、天下之法及工商皆本等內涵。認為君主的職責是為民謀利,地位只是人民的公僕,這種以天下為主、君為客的思想,是其政治思想中的核心價值。  明末清初世局變亂之際,是何種環境促使黃宗羲強力主張民本思想?其思想淵源及思想內涵為何?有哪些思想創見與侷限?後世學者對該思想有何評價及論爭?是否宜以當代民主觀來評價其思想價值?上述問題是本論文希望有所探討分析之處。  論文擬採哲學及歷史研究途徑,以文獻分析法及比較法等研究方法,進行研究析論。


民本思想 民主 學校議政


Huang Tsung-Hsi (1610-1695) was an Chinese important thinker in 17th century. He viewed himself as a loyal official from the previous Ming Dynasty, harshly criticizing the ill policies as well as the authoritarian political system of the Ming Dynasty. He combined 《Mencius》”The people are more important while the emperor is less important” and 《The Book of Rites》”World belongs to All” such doctrines to construct a political ideology of people-centered thinking and a rule-of-emperor political model. Huang Tsung-Hsi’s people-centered ideology including the contents of “Theory about Relation between the Emperor and Officials”、”School Discuss and Supervise Politics”、”The Law of the World” and “Industry and Commerce are also the roots of country”. He considered the emperor’s duty was to strive for the benefit of the people and emperor was just a public servant. The idea of ”people are the masters of the country while the emperor is only a guest” is the core value of Huang’s political thinking. Living in the dramatic era at the turn of Ming and Ching Dynasties, why did Huang relentlessly promote people-centered ideology? What’s the origins and intensions of the ideology? Were there the brand-new ideas and restrictions? How did later scholars evaluate and debate such ideology? This research wish to confer and analyze the above issues. This thesis adopts the philosophical research channel and historical research channel, by literature review analyses and comparative method to analyze the above issues.


龐學銓、李張林、高靖生譯(2007),奧特弗利德‧赫費(Otfried Hoffe)原著,《全球化時代的民主》(Demokratie im Zeitalter der Globalisierung)(1999),中國:上海譯文出版社。
