  • 學位論文


“Sentimental Attachment to the Past” –Discourse on Ink Paintings

指導教授 : 李振明


「眷‧故」即為對個人所生長的故鄉-金門的一種情思,藉由老宅,述說回顧家庭故事,表達對於家的眷戀回顧。以祖居的蔡開盛宅閩南式「雙落大厝加護龍搭番仔樓」的中西合璧建築為創作的題材,透過對這棟宅邸建築構件的創作,以剪影、框架等,象徵抽象的情感,表達筆者對家的濃厚情感。 本創作論述中,透過理論的分析、理論綜合、品質思考與藝術批評鑑賞等方法來創作研究,建構出創作理念,並在實踐中探討創作形式,透過詮釋修正作品,提升創作品質。透過創作實踐並輔以理論分析,從眷‧故的創作主題,探索內心真實的表現形式,並經由創作的釐清與建構,思索未來創作發展的可能性。 第一章緒論,說明研究動機與目的、研究範圍與內容、研究方法與步驟,客觀地呈現本研究的環境與人為條件,供讀者參考審思。 第二章理論基礎,從金門傳統的民居形制、裝飾,論述金門民居的特色;再走入蔡開盛宅中,論述宅中建築之美;再就建築裝飾作探討;提出關懷鄉土之畫家。 第三章創作理念,將創作的內容自我分析,說明採用題材的緣故,以及代表的意義。創作形式的論述,說明筆者水墨創作運用。 第四章作品分析,創作作品說明分析,做為前述內容的驗證。 第五章結論,總結創作心得感想,提出自己在藝術創作的期許。


閩南建築 水墨創作


”Sentimental Attachment to the Past” refers to one’s emotion for hometown, Kinmen, which narrates and review family stories through old residence in order to express the sentimental attachment and review of the family. The work contains the theme of the ancestral home, Cai, Kai-Sheng’s Taiwanese “Double Mansion with wings and western-style building” with integration of Chinese-Western architecture, which expresses the strong emotions held by the painter towards home through component creations of this residential architecture, using sketches and silhouette that symbolize abstract emotions. The discourse of creation applies theoretical analysis, comprehensive theories, quality thinking, and art criticism and appreciation to research creation by constructing concepts of creation and discussing creative forms in practice, to improve creativity quality through interpretation and modification to works. The creative theme in “Sentimental attachment to the past” is implemented through creations and supported by theory analysis to discuss the true inner expressions, in addition to exploring the possibility of future creations and development through clarification and construction of works. The introduction of Chapter 1 describes research motivation and purpose, research scope and content, and research methods and procedures, in attempt to objectively present the environment and human conditions of the research as reference for reader examination. The theoretical basis of Chapter 2 discusses characteristics of Kinmen residence through traditional dwelling shape and decorations of Kinmen. The study also portrays the beauty of the architecture for Cai, Kai-Sheng’ residence with discussion of architectural decorations and proposes painters of local care. The concepts of creation in Chapter 3 analyses the creative content by describing the origin of material adopted and its significance. The statement on creative form describes the implementation of painter’s ink-painting creations. The analysis of Chapter 4 applies analysis of works to verify the foregoing content. The conclusion in Chapter 5 summarizes on ideas and thoughts on creation and proposes self-expectations in artistic creations.


10. 蔡顯恭,《金門傳統民居再利用之研究—以瓊林聚落為例》,台南:國立成功大學碩士論文,民95年。
2. 周英戀,《金門民居「花杆博古圖」研究—以金門國家公園區內傳統聚落前水頭63號為例》,台北:國立台北藝術大學碩士論文,2005年。
4. 張宇彤,《金門與澎湖傳統民宅形塑之比較研究--以營建中的禁忌、儀式與裝飾論述之》,台南:國立成功大學,民89年。
一 專書
1. Clare Cooper Marcus,《家屋,自我的一面鏡子》,徐詩思譯,台北:張老師文化,2006年。
