  • 學位論文


Research on the relationship of central and local governments after the first alternation of political parties in Taiwan﹐Republic of China(2000-2008)

指導教授 : 黃城


1999年地方制度法與財政收支劃分法相繼通過,我國地方自治已正式邁入法治主義運作的時代。在全球化時代地方政府爭權爭錢呼聲高漲的環境下,2000年我國迎來了第一次政黨輪替,陳水扁總統於就職演說中,以「夥伴關係」形容中央與地方之關係,並強調要打破過去中央集權又集錢的威權心態,落實「地方能做、中央不做」的地方自治精神。歷經八年的演變,中央與地方關係是否更好抑或更差,是夥伴還是敵人,為本論文試圖探討的重點。 本論文首先從外部環境著手,針對全球化與政黨政治因素探討其對中央與地方關係之影響。由於全球化浪潮導致中央將權力下放至地方,地方將成為全球行政主體,此即「分權化」之影響。而政黨政治在我國中央與地方關係中則扮演另一關鍵要素,當中央與地方首長分屬不同政黨時,亦即「垂直式分立政府」,中央與地方彼此的政策論述將呈現對峙的態度;反之,當中央與地方首長分屬相同政黨時,即「垂直式一致政府」,彼此的政策論述將呈現相互配合的態度。其後,選取2000-2008最具代表性的3個中央與地方衝突代表性個案加以研究,地方自治權方面為台北市里長延選案;財政權為北、高直轄市健保費積欠案;政治性爭議則以中正紀念堂更名爭議為代表。最終,本論文探討中央與地方的關鍵制度性因素,即「權」-地方制度法與「錢」-財政收支劃分法;另外對於中央與地方爭議之處理機制也一併說明,以檢討地方制度法與財政收支劃分法的真正實施成效。 本論文綜合前述全球化、政黨政治等兩項環境因素與地方制度法、財政收支劃分法等兩項制度因素,並輔以中央與地方之個案探討,試圖較為全面性描繪2000-2008年第一次政黨輪替後之中央與地方關係之樣貌,以做為後續中央與地方關係研究之參考。


In 1999﹐Local Government Act and the Law Governing the Allocation of Government Revenue and Expenditures have passed, our local self-government has formally entered the era of the operation of rule by law. In the era of globalization, the local governments compute for much more local self-government and financial powers. In 2000, the alternation of political parties in ROC happened. President Chen Shui-bian distributed the conception of "partnership" to describe the relationship of central and local governments in his inaugural speech, and emphasized the need of breaking down the centralization of power and money in the past. He also emphasized the importance of the spirit of local autonomy: "If the local governments can do, the central ones do not." This essay attempts to explore the point of relationship of central t and local government after the evolution of eight years. This article first aims on the influences of external environment factors, including the globalization and political parties. As the wave of globalization leads to the decentralization of government, the role of local government will be crucial. Furthermore, the political party also plays another important role. When the leaders of central and local governments belong to different political parties, it leads to the state of "vertical divided government", and the policy statements between the central and local will be opposite. On the contrary, when the leaders of central and local government belong to the same political party, which means "vertical unified government", the government policy of each other will show the attitude of mutual cooperation. Then, we select the most three representative cases of central and local government to study the conflicts during 2000-2008, First﹐Taipei City Borough warden elections delayed is chosen as the local self-government case ; Second﹐The Health insurance subsidy in Taipei City and Kaohsiung City accumulated the debt are chosen as the financial powers case ; Third﹐Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall renamed event is chosen as the Political dispute case . Finally, this article discusses the key institutional factors: "money" and "rights", namely, "rights" - the Local Government Act and the "money" - the Law Governing the Allocation of Government Revenue and Expenditures; Additionally, this essay also explain the central and local government dispute handling mechanism to review the implement results of Local Government Act and the Law Governing the Allocation of Government Revenue and Expenditures . This article integrated two environmental factors, including globalization and political parties. Besides, the two institutional factors﹐including the Local Government Act and the Law Governing the Allocation of Government Revenue and Expenditures will also be discussed. Furthermore, this article studies the central and local government cases, trying to portray a more comprehensive concepts of the central and local relations after the alternation of ruling parties during 2000-2008, and we hope this paper can be the reference on the relations of central and local governments as a follow-up studies.


紀俊臣(2006),〈地方制度法所建構的地方自治模式〉,《中國地方自治》,59卷 10期,頁3-14。
江大樹(2004a),〈府際關係的憲法解釋〉,《中國地方自治》,67卷 6期,頁25-47。
