  • 學位論文


Quiet Summer-Research on the Summer Images of Japan

指導教授 : 黃進龍


本創作研究以日本夏季為背景,探討日本夏天的寧靜形象。並透過金魚、煙火、風鈴、繡球花為筆者研究的主題,作為象徵日本夏天的符號,並藉由繪畫創作呈現出寧靜感。論文撰寫共分為六章來敘述,謹摘要如下:   第一章:緒論。敘述筆者研究動機、目的與範圍。由於筆者在日本留學與旅途中深受日本文化影響,所以決定在創作過程中展現日本繪畫的風格;透過在日本夏季的回憶,將日本的寧靜氛圍表現在筆者的創作理念,藉此手法拼湊成一個敘事性的畫面。   第二章:文化、 文學、繪畫與夏季之關聯性。說明日本文化背景與歷史,從日本符號象徵的觀點切入與剖析;並引用文學與繪畫中對於夏天的詮釋與表現作為分析。從文學與繪畫當中,追尋夏天中的內涵。   第三章:創作思想與表現。個人創作研究,探究分析自己的創作理念、題材與表現,透過畫面符號的構成,配合分割構圖,呈現出寧靜的空間;以安逸、記憶、簡單生活、生命意涵之四個方向,作為「寧靜的夏天」系列的創作條件與元素。   第四章:創作形式、內容、媒材與技法。介紹筆者如何運用油畫、版畫、與蛋彩來進行創作。以水的姿態、天空的聯想、寂靜之聲、花的生命躍動為主體,並探究其形式、內容、媒材與技法運用。   第五章:作品解析。作品解說與分析;從創作中的十三件作品,說明圖像與符號在創作中所代表的意義。   第六章:結論。創作過程心得、感想、個人成果分享以及對未來的期許。


夏天 寧靜 金魚


This research uses summer of Japan as a background to discuss the image of quiet summer in Japan. The subject of the study is to interpret and to represent the symbols of Japanese summer via the goldfish, the firework, the wind bells, and the hydrangea, and to represent the quiet feeling through the paintings. The thesis is divided into six chapters as the follows:      The first chapter: Introduction. It narrates the motive, the purpose and the scope of the research. Due to the journey and study in Japan, the aspect of thinking is heavily influenced by the Japanese culture. Therefore, the research tries to put its essence into the creation to represent the Japanese drawing style. By observing the memory of Japanese summer, the quiet atmosphere through Japan will be displayed in the idea of creation and theory, and this kind technique provides a narrative picture for the paintings.      The second chapter: Explore the relationship with summer through the cultures, literatures, and paintings. This chapter explains the Japanese cultural background and the histories, analyzes the viewpoints of Japanese symbols, and uses the quotes from the literatures and the paintings which makes the analysis regarding with the summer's annotation and performance. From the literatures and the paintings, this tracks down the connotation of the summer.   The third chapter: Creative idea and performance. The personal creation and research discusses the inspiration and the points of views, the subject-matter and the performance. The constitution of symbols and the theory for the divisional composition from the paintings represent the idea of quiet space. Apply easy and comfortable, memory, simple life, life meaning as four directions to achieve the conditions and the elements into the creation of “Quiet Summer” series.      The fourth chapter: Form, content, intermediary materials and technique of works. This chapter introduces the use of intermediary materials, such as oil paintings, prints, and tempera. Use the idea of posture in the water, association with the sky, the silent sound, leaps of the flower’s life as the main body, to apply into the form, the content, the intermediary material and the use of technique.      The fifth chapter: Explanation and analysis of works. From the creation of 13 paintings, explain the significance of the Japanese summer images and the symbols and how they are represented in the works.      The sixth chapter: Conclusion. Share creative perspective, feelings, and personal achievement.


summer quiet goldfish


35. 畢南開、莊健隆,《魚在江湖‧兩岸的魚族們》,財團法人中華交通基金會出版,臺北:2006。
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3. Fenollosa, Ernest F. Epochs of Chinese and Japanese Art. New York: Dover Publications, 2003.
5. Mucha, Sarah. Alphonse Mucha. London: Frances Lincoln, 2005.
7. Stevenson, John. Japanese Kite Prints: Selections From The Skinner Collection. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2004.
