  • 學位論文


For the internationalization and scientifically in Taiwanes Roman modernization,The Taiwan church News as medium

指導教授 : 鄭良偉教授


台語白話字對台語社會有其功能與影響力,特別是台灣語言的現代化與科學化。有辦法用正式標準化的白話字,面對台語白話字寫現代人所思的宗教、人文、藝術現代科學等各種問題。 很重要的是,可以顯現出台語白話字的特色,真實原汁原味很容易了解的生活用語與精密性,就能夠建立台語思考基礎,可以讓咱大家增加一個窗口 跟人溝通,也加了一顆頭腦來接受智識。 新的時代有引進很多現代語詞及科學思想。充分表現在自然科學、醫學、語言學、人文、藝術的書寫上頭。咱們也希望可以利用認識台語白話字的機會來教育社會大眾,使他們認識這個受禁止數十年,將要滅種的文化遺產,高興進一步來接受台語白話字,當做咱們正統台語文的共識,進一步在咱們生活上實際大量使用,達到全民化ê地步。 我要用1930年代,以台語白話字所書寫的《台灣教會公報》作例,來探討所引進的現代語詞及科學,對恢復台語成為台灣人的生活語言的影響,也要探討歷代殖民政府的語言政策對台語書寫的影響。


Taiwanese Romanization had its function and influence on Taiwanese society, particularly on its modernization and scientific. It means to be able to use a standardised Taiwanese Vernacular to write and think about the religion,humanistic ,arts and the morden science. The most important is to clearly present it,s characteristic . that is really the original and precision can become the foundation of thinking in Taiwanese language to achieve the purpose of Taiwanese Vernacular revived because learning the Taiwanese Vernacular can be made a window to communicate with people and make people to solve problems. A new era brings the new civilization into Taiwan unceasingly. And leads a lot of morden words phrases and science ideology in writing that fully signifying in natural science, medical science ,language and humane studies ,arts. So it could be a opportunity to educate people the Taiwanese Vernacular as a official Taiwan language . Although it almost be prohibited and disappeared for decade to accept in their living and further more to use this language completly to all people as a commen concept By 30,s published article 《The Taiwan church news 》 in Taiwanese Vernacular I reserched how the influrence of using Taiwanese Vernacular in morden Taiwan society to sesame the Taiwanese language as a very common living language in Taiwan. And I want to explore the ancient languge of the colonial govemment policy to write about Taiwanese influence.


T董芳苑,1995〈論長老教會語台灣的近代化〉,《台灣近百年史論文集》, 吳三連台灣史料基金會
T陳培豐,2007,《「同化」的同床異夢— 日治時期台灣的語言政策、近代化與認同》,台北:麥田出版城邦文化事業股份有限公司。
