  • 學位論文


The Rebuilding Efforts after August 8 Flood from the Perspective of Multi-level Urban Governance

指導教授 : 陳文政


台灣2009年發生八八水災,災害帶給我們的不僅只是家園創傷與心靈傷痛,更應該是過後的省思,如何一起幫助災民重建家園以及防止大自然再度的反撲,才是最重要的。打造希望的重建之路,處處充滿艱辛,從中央到地方、政府到民間、硬體到心靈,過去一年來,我們看到整個社會的投入與努力。有鑑於此,本研究以「多層次都市治理理論與實務之研究:以八八水災個案為例」為題,以都市為本,從多層次都市治理理論探索災後相關利害關係人的重建作為。問題意識為「在多層次都市治理的架構下,應如何透過治理模態去施行治理?且在八八水災的個案裡,實際運用治理模態的情況為何?」 個案選定八八水災後之政府重建作為,運用內容分析法與質性分析軟體NVivo 8之運用,發現下述結果:顯示利害關係人的主體包含政府、非營利組織(以慈濟基金會為主)與村民,在治理作為上應為政府主導,對災區進行重建作為,並輔以委託NPO進行治理。然而,本研究發現,人民對政府重建的作為是失望的,進而透過自我救濟之方式自行治理;且輔助的NPO團體有時竟成為重建之主體,與民眾形成衝突,在這樣的情形之下,政府又缺乏作為,導致重建進度之延宕,形成各利害關係人的角色錯位之疑問。故須在後續重建工作中,應從尊重村民的主體意識出發,即在災後重建方面應該以民為本的方式著手進行。 【關鍵字】:多層次都市治理、八八水災、Nvivo 8


Typhoon Morakot in 2009 has brought Taiwan not only home wreckage and psychological trauma, but also the reflection on how to help disaster-stricken people to rebuild homes and curb the reoccurrence of the similar disasters, which is more significant. The rebuilding process is the road to hope with complicated difficulties. In the past year, we witness the whole society’s efforts, including the central government, local government, common citizens. Accordingly, based on the urban, this research on “the Rebuilding Efforts after August 8 Flood from the Perspective of Multi-level Urban Governance” is to explore the rebuilding efforts of stakeholders after disaster. The paper’s hypothesis is “under the multi-level urban governance structure, how to implement administration through governance models? What is the status quo of the real governance in the case of August 8 Flood?” The government’s rebuilding efforts after August 8 is chosen for the case; qualitative analysis and content analysis methods are utilized combined with the soft of NVivo8. The findings are as follows: the stakeholders include government, NPOs (mainly charity funds) and villagers. For the relief and rebuilding, the government acts the leading role in the rebuilding work, supported by NPOs. However, the study discovers citizens are disappointed with government’s rebuilding efforts, thus altering to self-rescue for the governance. Furthermore, the supplementary NPOs sometimes become the rebuilding’s leading role and create conflicts with citizens. Under this circumstance, government does not have the quick and proper actions, leading to the delay of rebuilding progress and the dilemma of role misallocation of various stakeholders. Therefore, the post-disaster rebuilding should be based on the subject consciousness of villagers, that is to say, the rebuilding work should be undertaken villager-centered. 【Keywords】Multi-level urban governance, August 8 flood, NVivo 8.


楊友仁、蘇一志(2005),〈地方成長聯盟轉化與空間治理策略:以台南科學城為例〉。《都市與計劃》, 32(1),頁1-23。
