  • 學位論文


The Study of User Interface of Web-to-Print Service Website for Design Professionals

指導教授 : 梁桂嘉


隨著網際網路的發展,印刷業已邁入數位化,透過網路獲得印刷服務與交易已是新興商業模式,然而,多數網路印刷網站的功能不實和介面操作複雜導致使用者不擅使用,網站的介面是影響使用意願的關鍵,如何讓介面具親和力以提昇網站效能,且有效引導使用者從網站獲得所需資訊及達成任務為研究目的。 本研究以網路印刷網站為例,針對印刷產業、印刷設計、使用者介面、印刷網站等相關文獻進行探討,案例分析獲得印刷網站介面運用現況及訪談設計師了解他們對網路印刷的需求,將歸納的結論應用於創作上,相關研究與實作結果則提供給欲開發網站的企業作參考。 研究結果顯示1、國內中小型網路印刷網站在介面設計上未全然達到使用性原則。2、設計師對網路印刷的需求與認知上存在著不同觀點,也容易互相矛盾。3、本研究創作經檢視後符合使用者介面設計準則。4、使用性並非建置網站時不變的準則,應隨著網站性質與目標不同與使用者的需求、使用經驗與心理認知調整使用者介面設計原則。 研究建議部份,以設計師為對象的網路印刷網站,因設計師已具備印刷基本知識和完稿能力,提供簡單易用的交易流程是有必要的;其次設計師的行為模式偏好主動探索、重視覺感官及使用圖像做溝通,因此在使用者介面設計上可朝向互動性、圖形表現式以及視覺與功能一致性幾點來規劃,再者因使用者的需求會隨著環境條件改變,本研究尚無法通盤掌握,後續研究者可究各種情況下使用者需求與心理認知作探討,以掌握使用者的多樣面貌。


With the development of the Internet, the printing industry has entered the digital age. Obtaining the printing services by the internet is the new business model. However, most websites in the printing industry have exaggerated functionality and unfriendly user interface such that the user does not know how to use, as website user interface will affect the willingness to use. How to make the user interface friendly, improve the website design, and guide the user to effectively obtain needed information are the research goals. This study mainly explored the website design for Web-to-Print services and reviewed literatures about printing industry, print design, user interface and other related theories. Case analysis will be studied to know the current status of user interface design. Interviews with designers will be conducted to understand their needs for Wed-to-Print websites. Finally conclusions will be drawn in the hope that the findings can be applied to the creation, research, and implementation to help companies seeking to develop a website with similar services. The research results include: 1) The interface design of domestic middle and small scale Web-to-Print websites didn't reach Usability. 2) Different participants have different opinions on the demand and exhibit inconsistent cognition. 3) Our design proposed in this research meets the standard user interface design criterion. 4) Usability principle of using the website should follow different objectives, the nature and needs of the user experience, and psychological cognition of users, so as to adjust user interface design. Based on the research results, it is suggested that since designers have basic knowledge and the capability of finalization of the printing, providing an easy way to trade is necessary. Also, designers like to use images for communication. So the user interface design can be oriented towards interactive and graphical features and visual consistency with the principles of planning. Moreover due to the highly uncertainty of user's needs, this research is still unable to grasp them all. Further studies are needed to grasp the user's diverse landscape.


廖信、葉振璧、林宜萱、洪晨翔(2010)。印刷產業網路經營型態之探討,中華印刷科技年報。台北縣:財團法人中華印刷科技學會,P .111-121。
財團法人印刷工業技術研究中心 技術輔導組(2005),印刷產業電子化探討,中華印刷科技年報,社團法人中華印刷科技學會。
