  • 學位論文


BEL-K Target Candidate Identification by Affinity Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry

指導教授 : 陳頌方




Affinity chromatography of chemical proteomics is a powerful screening technique that is based on the specific interaction between compound and target proteins. The challenge is to develop methods capable of accurately elucidating novel targets of BEL-K (an acute myeloid leukemia drug candidate) beside FLT3-TKD. A platform for high throughput analyzing drug-binding protein of MV4-11 cell line is developed in this study. Mutation of FLT3 in AML is the reasons for the great interest currently shown in the development of FLT3 kinase inhibitors. MV4-11 is a FLT3 mutation cell line, thus its major signal transduction pathway could be interrupted by tyrosine kinase inhibitor. The synthesized biotin-tagged BEL-K was immobilized on streptavidin beads to make a column; standard proteins and FLT3-TKD were applied to BEL-K column for the evaluation of appropriate wash and elute conditions. MV4-11 cell lysate was served as the source for the study of protein target of BEL-K using this biotin-tagged affinity chromatography strategy. The eluted proteins were further subjected to SDS-PAGE, LC-MS/MS analysis and database search for the identification of BEL-K target candidates. There were a total of 969 proteins identified in MV4-11 cell lysate proteome. BEL-K immobilized column was used to capture target protein candidates in MV4-11 cell lysate. Two hundred eighty target proteins were identified; most of them are novel interactors and potential targets of the BEL-K. By GeneGo pathway analysis, some of these proteins are considered as drug targets and they related to DNA apoptosis. Besides, they are also co-contributed to the effect on MV4-11 cell proliferation.


chemical proteomics affinity chromatography AML FLT3 MS


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