  • 學位論文


Intergenerational Ambivalence in Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: An Interpretative Perspective of Grandparents

指導教授 : 林如萍


本研究針對隔代教養家庭之祖父母為對象,探討其對於隔代教養之角色的認知與情感的覺察,剖析隔代家庭的祖孫之代間矛盾,並進一步探究社會支持對隔代家庭之影響,以期有助於家庭教育工作者對於隔代教養祖父母的生命經驗之深入的瞭解。 本研究以質性取向的研究方法,採三段式訪談系列的深度訪談法進行資料蒐集,受訪祖父母共計6人,年齡介於56~74歲,受照顧孫子女則均處於青少年階段,隔代照顧之年數從4年到17年不等。主要研究結果分述如下: 一、隔代教養祖父母對自己的角色認知,主要是:替代照顧者、生活教導者、金錢提供者與含飴弄孫者。祖孫之互動則多是:相互陪伴、生活參與、談心與共同分擔家務等。再者,成為孫子女的隔代教養者,祖父母是因「主動爭取」或「被動接受」,會影響隔代教養祖父母對自己的角色認知。 二、隔代教養家庭祖孫的情感,祖父母的表達呈現出: 傳統的「愛,但有距離」;因中間世代缺位而成為主要照顧者的無奈。照顧歷程中,代間情感夾雜著對中間世代的傷痛與不捨、欣喜孫子女長成,以及擔負照顧孫子女的沉重壓力等複雜感受。 三、由「社會性矛盾」與「情感性矛盾」加以分析,隔代教養祖父母之代間矛頓存在不同型態:甘之如飴、愛恨交織、任勞任怨、怨天尤人等四類型。而在重視家族主義的華人家庭中,隔代教養祖父母雖多是同時感受到兩種矛盾的存在,但相較來說,社會結構所帶來的社會性矛盾更顯而易見。 每一個隔代教養家庭都擁有獨特的生命故事,隔代教養家庭的祖父母經驗都是獨一無二的。本研究結果也發現:資源像一層防護衣,保護著隔代教養的家庭,祖父母擁有的資源豐富程度,能調節在承擔照顧孫子女的角色中所帶來的矛盾感受。最後依結果提出對未來研究、隔代家庭祖父母與家庭教育工作者之建議。


This study observes grandparents in skipped-generation families, discusses their role cognition and emotional recognition (emotion perceiving), dissects the ambivalence between them and their grandchildren, to further explores the influence of social support on these families. This research provides family education workers with more detailed insights into the life experiences of these grandparents who bring up their grandchildren. This author employed qualitative methods to proceed with data collection through three interview series. The author visited 6 grandparents, ranging from 56 to 74 years, with teenage grandchildren, and raising periods between 4 to 17 years. The primary research results are as follows: 1.Grandparents who raise their grandchildren perceive themselves as grandparents of common families, and can be categorized into the following characters: substitute caretaker, active life instructor, passive money provider, and active elders who actually enjoy raising their grandchildren. The interactions between grandparents and grandchildren include accompany, life participation, chat, and house chores division, etc. The fact whether these grandparents “actively fight for” or “passively accept” the role of taking care their grandchildren affects their own role cognition. 2.The grandparents of skipped generation families show their emotions traditionally, with love but distance. They have to unwillingly take on the responsibility of care due to vacancy of the middle generation, and in the duration of caring, they experience constant grief and sorrow from loss, also the joy of watching grandchildren growing up. Furthermore, they feel the need to face and adapt to the challenge and pressure that come along with taking care of their grandchildren. 3.According to the observed level of social and emotional ambivalence, the grandparents can be divided into four types: parents who are enjoying hardship, feeling both love and hatred , bearing hardship without complaint, and blaming everyone and everything. In Chinese families whose culture values familism, it’s possible for these grandparents to feel two types of ambivalences simultaneously, but the social conflicts that results from the society structure are more obvious in these families. Each generation-separating family has their unique life story, and the experiences of these grandparents of the families are also one and only. Through further investigation of these observations, the author finds that the resources are just like a shield guarding these families. The level of resources the grandparents possess helps the incomplete family structure and the feeling of ambivalence from caretaking of their grandchildren in different levels. Finally, this study provides suggestions for further study, as well as grandparents of generation-separating families and family education workers.




