  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 謝伸裕


啤酒酵母已經被研究指出能夠改善血糖及血脂的異常,但鮮少關於啤酒酵母配合運動的研究。目的:探討八週的運動訓練及服用啤酒酵母與鉻對於身體組成及降低血脂肪濃度的影響。方法:以24位38到57歲的男性以身體質量指數(BMI)隨機配對成三組:運動組、運動加鉻組及運動加啤酒酵母組,單盲給予定量200μg的鉻與啤酒酵母及安慰劑給受試者並參與50%保留心跳率的慢跑運動,每週四次,為期八週。身體組成及血脂肪分別在開始、第四及第八週做檢測。結果:發現三組在體重、BMI、體脂肪、瘦體重、總膽固醇、三酸甘油脂以及高低密度脂蛋白膽固醇(H/LDL)皆沒有顯著差異,而在第八週,除了HDL,體重、BMI、體脂肪、瘦體重、總膽固醇、三酸甘油脂及LDL都因運動而明顯降低 (p<.05)。結論:參與八週運動與增補定量200μg的啤酒酵母及鉻對中年男性在身體組成及血脂肪並不會有顯著影響,而這些變異是運動造成的。


運動訓練 啤酒酵母


Brewer’s yeast (BY) supplementation has been known for its ability to improve blood glucose and lipidabnormalities. However, there was few study regarding BY supplement with exercise. Purpose: To investigate the effects of BY and chromium (Cr) supplementation on body composition and blood lipids in middle-aged obese men participating in a 8-week exercise program. Methods: Twenty-four men, 38 to 57 years old, were randomly assigned into three groups based on their body mass index (BMI): exercise, exercise plus Cr and exercise plus BY groups. Subjects received 200 μg of Cr as BY and Cr supplement or a placebo in a single-blind fashion and participated in a 50% heart rate reserve jogging program four days per week for 8 weeks. Body composition and blood lipids were measured at baseline, 4th and 8th week. Results: No significant differences in weight, BMI, percent body fat, lean body mass, total cholesterol, triglyceride, high- and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol(H/LDL) were found among the three groups. However, exercise training significantly reduced all of data except for HDL at 8th week (p < .05). Conclusions: Eight weeks of 200μg of Cr as BY and Cr supplement couldn’t significantly affect body composition and blood lipids in middle-aged men placed on an exercise program.These changes were a result of the exercise training.


exercise training brewer’s yeast chromium


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朱嘉華 (2008)。十二週耐力運動訓練對肥胖大學生心臟結構型態和泵血功能之影響。國立台灣師範大學體育學系博士論文。
