  • 學位論文


A Study Based on Infrared Watermark to Combine Augmented Reality and an Audio Signal from Position Codes

指導教授 : 王希俊




The research proposes a technique of double data-hiding watermark with frequency modulation and position code. Due to the optical characteristics of inks, the AR marker and position code will be detected under infrared light. In order to hide the double data on plain paper, the watermark is coordinated with position code which is printed by carbon black ink and frequency modulation which is printed by CMY inks to maintain neutral gray. Through the infrared device, the AR marker and the position code information can be read to generate the 3D image of augmented reality and the audio signal. This study provides an infrared watermark technique to hide the double data-hiding watermark on plain paper which successfully brings out the 3D images and an audio signal. This approach not only makes the meaningless markers invisible but also enhances the function and interactive capability of paper. In the future, the technique can be applied to education which enables “teaching” and “learning” becomes more interesting.


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