  • 學位論文


An Inquiry on Knowledge Acquiring Behavior Model of Serious Leisure Participants

指導教授 : 曾永清


休閒知識和技能的有無深深影響休閒品質和滿意度,為此休閒教育者和實務工作者須要一套系統化的理論架構,以深入瞭解休閒者的知識行為,並給予適切地休閒教育和休閒服務。本研究依據行為學派學習理論,建構一套深度休閒者知識獲取行為模式,並以問卷調查收集資料加以實徵。 首先,經本研究驗證,深度休閒者確實如Stebbins(2001)的主張,具有持續獲取休閒知識和技能這樣的特質,並以性別、年齡、居住地區和教育程度等再深入分析,發現深度休閒者為獲取知識所做的投入,在年齡和教育程度這些因素的不同而異。 其次,本研究以自我追求、求知驅力和社會影響三個潛在變項為因,知識獲取投入潛在變項為果,建構成深度休閒者知識獲取行為模式。經驗證性因素分析,此四個測量模式無論個別項目信度和組合信度,及區別效度均達可接受水準。復經結構方程模式分析,發現此一初始模式無論基本適配度、絕對適配度或簡約適配度均達可接受水準,但修正指數顯示尚有修正餘地。經修正後發現,三類適配度確實更佳。研究顯示求知驅力是激發深度休閒者獲取投入直接和正向因素,而求知驅力則受到社會影響和自我追求兩項因素的正向影響,而且社會影響的影響力大於自我追求。再經競爭模式分析,本研究發現以求知驅力為中介因子的模式適配度較以社會影響或自我追求直接影響因素的模式為佳。表示休閒教育者或實務工作者可善用社會影響和自我追求的交互作用,激勵和支援休閒者的求知驅力,並由而激發其產生持續獲取休閒知識和技能的行為。 另本研究以性別、登山社團資歷和登山資歷下等三個變項,對修正後的理論模式進行群組分析,經驗證結果顯示,即使加入這三個干擾變項,該模式依然維持可接受的適配度,同時本研究也發現,不同群組在此四個潛在變項的平均數也無顯著差異,顯示深度休閒者在自我追求、社會影響、求知驅力和獲取投入等四個潛在變項的狀況相似,而且知識獲取行為模式也相仿。


People’s leisure quality and satisfication is highly influenced by the quality of his leisure knowledge and skills. To provide the people with appropriate leisure education and service, either leisure educator or practioner needs a theorial framework for understand systematically their knowledge behaviors. This research, basing on behaviorism learning theories, constructs the Serious Leisure Participant’s Knowledge Acquiring Model and test it with data collected through questionnaire. Firstly, this research found that serious leisure partcipants indeed persist to acquire leisure knowledge and skills consistently as Stebbins stated. Their involvement in acquiring leisure knowledge and skills is singnificantly different subject to their age, resident area and education status. Secondly, this research constructs the knowledge acquiring behavior model with four latent variables which are social influence, self pursuit, driving force for learning and acquisition involvement. The item and construct reliabilities as well as differenciated validity of the four measurement systems are good enough to construct the structural equation model. The fitness of this theoretically-constructed model is acceptable and improved according to its mofication index. This research finds that driving force for learning can directly and positively trigger knowledge acquisition behavior. It shows that driving force for learning is derived from the interaction of social influence and personal self pursuit. It means that a leisure educator or practioner can manipulate these two varialbles to trigger or support a serious leisure participant to learn more leisure knowledge and skills continueously. Finally, the generalization ability of this modified model has also been verified by considering the gender, years to participate a mountain-climbing soceity and years to climb mountain. It is proved that the fitness of this model still is acceptable and the mean of the four constructs is equal. All of these show that the model is acceptable to explain the knowledge acquisition behavior of a serious leisure participant.


葉紹國、何英奇、陳舜芬(2006)。大一學生的校園參與經驗與收穫自評─淡江、清華、師大三校的比較。載於高等教育與學生事務國際研討會專輯,392- 419。台北:國立台灣師範大學。
