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Nike Facebook 粉絲專頁使用意圖對其品牌形象與購買意願影響之研究

A study of the intention of using Nike Facebook fan page toward the impact of brand image and purchase intention

Advisor : 程紹同
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本研究旨在探討Nike Facebook粉絲專頁使用意圖、品牌形象與購買意願之間的關係。以曾經使用過Nike Facebook粉絲專頁之使用者為研究對象,採用便利抽樣及滾雪球抽樣之方式,進行網路問卷調查,共得有效樣本450份,所得資料以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、結構方程模式進行分析。研究發現如下:一、Nike Facebook粉絲專頁使用者以25歲以下之男性大專校院學生為主要族群,平均每周使用一次,瀏覽時間為30分鐘之低度使用者;二、Nike Facebook粉絲專頁使用者之行為意圖知覺評價介於「普通」到「同意」之間,屬中等以上之程度,而品牌形象與購買意願之知覺評價介於「同意」到「非常同意」之間,則達中上偏高之水準;三、不同使用目的、平均使用頻率及時間的Nike Facebook粉絲專頁使用者,在使用意圖、品牌形象及購買意願上皆分別具有顯著差異;四、Nike Facebook粉絲專頁使用意圖對其品牌形象具解釋力,且使用意圖可透過品牌形象進而解釋購買意願。基於上述結論,本研究提出以下建議:一、經營者可針對相關運動產品進行促銷或抽獎活動,藉由增加互動機會,吸引消費者購買;提供更多女性運動資訊及活動,擴大其族群及發展女性潛力市場;二、粉絲專頁資訊的更新速度及品質相當重要,應定期拋出有趣的議題,並開發更多應用程式,提升粉絲黏著度及忠誠度;三、適度開放粉絲發文權限或建立討論區,形成雙向溝通,提升其使用意圖;四、開設問與答專區,解答消費者疑問;對於頁面上的負面留言必須妥善處理,便能維持良好形象,鞏固忠誠使用者;五、建議於粉絲專頁上新增網路商店之功能,增加直接購物的便利性,提升消費者購買意願。

Parallel abstracts

This study was designed to explore the relations among the intention of using Nike Facebook fan page, brand image and purchase intention. The subjects were the users who used the Nike Facebook fan page through the internet, surveyed through internet questionnaire by convenience sampling and snowball sampling. The amount of valid questionnaires is 450. According to the data collected from the internet questionnaire, descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and Structural Equation Modeling were applied for data analysis. The results were as following: (1) the main group of Nike Facebook fan page users were mainly male college students aged 25 and below. Most of them were light users that used Nike Facebook fan page once a week and 30 minutes a day; (2) the behavioral intention of Nike Facebook fan page users was above average of evaluation and the brand image and purchase intention were strongly agree; (3) different using purposes, frequency and time toward using intention, brand image and purchase intention were significantly different; (4) the path model of using intention, brand image and purchase intention at Nike Facebook fan page users is appropriate. Furthermore, the using intention would affect brand image, and it would affect purchase intention through brand image. Based on the results, suggestions were as following: (1) operators could interact with users by holding promotions or lottery of certain sport products to attract consumers; expand user populations and develop the potential market of female by increasing female-related sport information and activities; (2) the update rate and quality of fan page is extremely important. Operators should increase fans’ stickiness and loyalty by raising interesting questions and developing more applications; (3) operators could build up two-way communication and improve users’ intention of using fan page by giving appropriate permission to post or creating discussion forum; (4) operators should open Q&A page to answer the questions from consumers. The negative messages must have to be deal with properly to maintain positive image and to consolidate loyally users; (5) the online shop function should be added to increase the convenience of purchasing and to enhance the intention of purchase.


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