  • 學位論文


Is It Part of My Own Heritage? A Study on the Relationships among Visitors’ Motivations, Place Image and Heritage Identity on Bopiliao Historic District

指導教授 : 李素馨


全球化發展下,區域之間的競爭日益強烈,襲產因其歷史文化可以做為一地區別於他地的特色。台北市萬華區剝皮寮歷史街區的保存,讓造訪者能夠見證台北發展的歷史。但是對於同一地點,造訪者之間可能存在差異,而對襲產也產生不同的地方意象及認同,因此本研究的目的為:1.探討造訪者造訪前對歷史街區的資訊來源及造訪動機;2.了解造訪者造訪後對歷史街區產生的地方意象及認同;3.分析造訪者的地方意象,對歷史街區認同的影響;4.分析造訪者的地方意象及襲產認同,對未來行為意圖的影響。 本研究採用質性訪談與量化調查作為研究方法,於2011年8月至12月訪談共18位造訪者;並於2012年4月14日至4月21日發放440份問卷,得到有效問卷404份,回收率91.8%。問卷部分,本研究使用描述性統計呈現造訪者背景資料,再以結構方程式模式(SEM)檢驗資訊來源、造訪動機、地方意象、襲產認同、行為意圖變項間影響情形,最後以t檢定、單因子變異數分析探討不同背景的造訪者對資訊來源、造訪動機、地方意象之差異。 質性部分研究結果顯示:不同年齡、生活經驗、動機的遊客,對於剝皮寮的意象不同;而在襲產認同上,大部分都支持剝皮寮歷史街區的保存,但年齡和生活經驗影響了是否將剝皮寮視為自身的襲產。 量化部分之因素分析結果:資訊來源可分為誘發的、有機的、自發的;造訪動機可分為情感連結、歷史及展覽活動、影片場景、娛樂休閒;地方意象可分為設施環境、歷史文化、知名景點、情感意象;襲產認同可分為自身襲產、民族襲產、他人襲產;行為意圖分為重遊意願、付費意願、推薦意願。研究結果顯示:(1) 造訪者造訪前對剝皮寮歷史街區的資訊來源主要來自自發的訊息,如:電影《艋舺》、媒體報導……等,而造訪動機主要和情感連結有關。(2) 造訪者在造訪後產生的意象以情感意象貢獻最多,襲產認同以自身襲產的解釋力最高,行為意圖以重遊意願的解釋力最高。(3) 變項間結構模式為:造訪動機會影響地方意象,但資訊來源需透過造訪動機才會對地方意象造成影響;地方意象影響襲產認同以及行為意圖,但襲產認同對行為意圖的影響並不顯著。 本研究建議相關管理單位在推廣襲產地區,除了強調襲產特性外,亦能結合多元的設施活動與資訊宣傳方式推廣襲產地區,使造訪者產生好的地方意象,而能提高造訪者的行為意圖。建議後續研究可以選擇襲產特性更明顯的地區,或是不同多元利用方式的襲產地區,進行研究比較。


The development of globalization and intensifying competition between regions, heritage is what makes certain place unique. In Wan-Hua District of Taipei City, the development of Bopiliao Historic District has preserved historical and architectural flavor, offering visitors a glimpse to early development of Taipei City. Since visitors can have different place image and heritage identity during their visit to Bopiliao, the objectives of this research is summaries as follows. (1) explore the information sources and motivations before visitors arrived at Boipiliao, (2) examine the images and identity after the visit of historic district, (3) analyze the impact on heritage identity from place images and (4) analyze the impact on behavioral intention about place images and heritage identity. In this research, both qualitative and quantitative methods are applied to achieve the objectives. The qualitative method is conducted in interviewing 18 visitors varying in age, gender and motivations in a time frame from August to December 2011. The quantitative method is conducted using questionnaire, a total of 440 surveys are distributed with 91.8% response rate which means 404 usable responses are obtained. The collected data are first analyzed using descriptive analysis to explore the individual attribute of visitors and structural equation modeling (SEM) is conducted to analyze potential effect of information source, visitors’ motivation, place image, heritage identity and behavioral intention. In addition, t-test and one way ANOVA analysis to test whether there are significant difference of information, motivation, and place image among visiters. According to qualitative interview, tourist from different age, living experience and motivations have different or even contradicting interpretation on Bopiliao. In terms of heritage identity, most agreed to the continual perseverance of Bopiliao. However, age and living experience will affect their judgements on whether if they recognize Bopiliao as their own heritage. The factor analysis reveals that information is composed of four factors which are induced, organic, autonomous, and visit; motivation is composed of four factors which are connection, history exhibition, movie scene, and recreation; place image is composed of four factors which are tourist friendly infrastructure, historic and cultural attractions, famous place, and emotional evaluation; heritage identity is composed of three factors which are visitor’s own heritage, national heritage and foreign heritage; behavioral intention is composed of three factors which are intention to revisit, intention to pay the entrance fee and intention to recommend to other. The results show that (1) autonomous information is the most important information, e.g. the movie “ Monga ” ,and news report, and connection is the most important motivation. (2) Emotional evaluation is the most important image, while visior’s own heritage is the most important heritage identity and intention to revisit is the most important behavioral intention. (3) In addition, SEM show that motivation has direct positive influence to place image while information source does not. However, information source can have indirect positive influence on place image using motivation as mediator. Place image have positive influence to heritage identity and behavioral intention, while heritage identity does not have significant positive influence to behavioral intention. To create better experience in heritage district, the findings suggest that only emphasize the heritage character is perhaps insufficient. Analysis obtained in this research suggests that diverse promotions could create better place image and higher behavioral intention among visitors. In terms of future work, further studies can investigate on places with more obvious or diverse heritage characteristic in comparison with Bopiliao Historic District.


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