  • 學位論文


A Study on the Leadership Styles of Vocational Schools’ Interior Design Teachers, Class Atmosphere and the Flow Experience of Students

指導教授 : 宋修德


本研究旨在探討高職室內設計科教師轉化領導風格及班級氣氛對學生心流經驗之影響。經由文獻探討,本研究發展出「高職室內設計科學生心流經驗之相關因素調查問卷」,針對100學年度高職室內設計科學生為研究對象,正式問卷以分層叢集抽樣方式對北、中、南、東共7校進行施測。共發出840份問卷,有效問卷回收共720份,有效問卷回收率為85.71%。問卷回收整理後,以描述性統計、單一樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸分析、結構方程式模型等統計方法進行研究假設的驗證。 研究結果顯示:高職室內設計科學生知覺教師轉化領導風格、班級氣氛及心流經驗均呈中上程度,且男學生、年級越高、有擔任過班級幹部或課程分組組長、近一年來參加設計競賽次數與平均一週內與基本設計課程老師討論次數較多、基本設計課程教師為女教師的學生知覺轉化領導風格較高;而男學生、三年級及一年級、有擔任過班級幹部或課程分組組長、近一年來參加設計競賽次數與平均一週內與基本設計課程老師討論次數較多、基本設計課程教師為男教師的學生知覺班級氣氛較高;此外,男學生在「完全專注」構面及女學生在「自我意識喪失」構面、高年級、班級人數較少、有擔任過班級幹部或課程分組組長、近一年來參加設計競賽次數較多以及平均一週內與基本設計課程老師討論次數較多的學生心流經驗的程度較高;而教師轉化領導風格、班級氣氛均對心流經驗具有顯著差異,教師轉化領導風格越明確以及班級氣氛越良好者,其心流經驗表現相對越佳,而且兩者均對心流經驗產生正向直接效果之影響,其中轉化領導風格的影響大於班級氣氛。


The purpose of this research was to investigate the influence of teachers’ leadership styles and class atmosphere to students’ flow experience. Through reviewing references, the questionnaire on “the associated factors of vocational schools’ students’ flow experience” was developed. The population included vocational schools’ interior design department students in 2011. The formal questionnaire was used by stratified sampling to survey vocational schools’ interior design department students from seven schools in northern, middle, southern and eastern districts. 720 effective copies among the 840 questionnaires released with the valid recovery rate of 85.71%. The data were conducted by descriptive statistics, One-Sample t test, Independent Sample t-Test, Analysis of Variance, Pearson’s correlation and multiple regression analysis to testify the research hypothesis. The results showed that vocational schools’students’perception of teachers’leadership styles, class atmosphere and flow experience are above the average;male students, higher grade, have experience of being cadres or team leader, much more times in participating competition and much more times discussing with teacher, student’s teacher is female have higher perception of teachers’leadership styles;male students, third grade and first grade、have experience of being class or team leader, much more times in participating competition and much more times discussing with teacher, student’s teacher is male have higher perception of class atmosphere;male students on“fully concentrate”dimension and female students on“loss of self-consciousness”dimension, higher grade, lower class member, have experience of being class or team leader, much more times in participating competition and much more times discussing with teacher, have higher perception of flow experience. Teachers’ leadership styles and class atmosphere show significant difference in flow experience, the more specific teachers’ leadership styles and better class atmosphere, have much more flow experience, and both have positive influence to flow experience, and the influence of teachers’ leadership styles is larger than class atmosphere.


吳福源(2000)。國民小學優良教師與一般教師之班級氣氛比較研究。花蓮院學報, 10,12-22。
吳靜吉 (2002)。華人學生創造力的發掘與培育。應用心理研究期刊,15,17-42。
