  • 學位論文


A molecular phylogeny of the genus Choaspes Moore(Lepidoptera:Hesperiidae:Coeliadinae)

指導教授 : 徐堉峰 千葉 秀幸


綠弄蝶屬(genus Choaspes)為弄蝶科(Family Hesperiidae)大弄蝶亞科(Subfamily Coeliadinae)中顏色鮮豔的蝶種,主要分布於亞洲的東南部一帶,在目前分類共有8種。綠弄蝶幼蟲顏色鮮豔,而且不同種花紋差異相當大,但是生活在同一地區不同種的綠弄蝶成蟲外形卻非常相似。傳統上的分類與分群主要依據交尾器、成蝶翅紋或幼蟲外觀來分類,但是在綠弄蝶屬內有少數物種在分類上卻是缺乏共識的。Chiba依據成蟲翅紋與交尾器等形態特徵的不同將綠弄蝶分為四個亞群,但有三個種的成蝶形態特徵是介於兩個亞群之間。本研究以粒線體DNA之COI、COII序列片段來重建綠弄蝶屬之分子親緣關係,並與Chiba所提出之形態親緣分群相比較。本研究包含內群8種共39隻個體與外群4個屬共4隻個體。在分群關係方面支持Chiba所認定的兩大群benjamini-group和xanthopogon-group為單系群,而兩大群再被細分的四個亞群stigmatus–subgroup、benjaminii– subgroup、xanthopogon -subgroup與hemixanthus-subgroup也皆為單系群。而本研究也釐清三個在形態特徵上有矛盾而無法明確分群的三個種C. plateni、C.adhara和C. illuensis,與屬內其他種的親緣關係。


分子系統學 粒線體DNA 種群


The skipper genus Choaspes consists of 8 species and distributed throughout the Oriental region, from North India eastwardly through China to Japan, and southwardly through Sunda islands to New Guinea. The adults and larvae alike have bright colors, which may be aposematic. Based on morphological characters and vicariant distribution pattern, Chiba arranged the genus Choaspes into 4 subgroups: stigmatus–subgroup, benjaminii–subgroup, xanthopogon –subgroup and hemixanthus-subgroup. The morphological characters and distrubution of three species, C. plateni, C.adhara and C. illuensis, does not clearly show as to which subgroup they belong, stigmatus or benjaminii, and their taxonomic status were left ambiguous. In this research, the molecular phylogeny of Choaspes was reconstructed using the sequences of mitochondrial COI, COII region, and the consistency of the molecular phylogeny and the morphological taxonomic groups proposed by Chiba was tested. Total of 8 ingroup species with 39 individuals and 4 outgroup genera were sampled. The monophyly of 4 subgroups sense Chiba were supported, and the phylogenetic relationship of the three species with ambigous status were settled. Based on the result of the present study, the classification of the genus was modified. C. estrella, C. furcatus, and C. mona are raised to distinct species.


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