  • 學位論文


Using Balanced Scorecard Structure to explore the Critical Success Factor in Operations of Short-term Rental Suites

指導教授 : 方進義


現有的文獻大多以探討西方國家的國際觀光旅館、早餐客棧(Bed & Breakfast, B&B)、經濟型酒店和小型汽車旅館的關鍵成功因素與其績效評估方法。但較少研究著重在亞洲規模較小之相關旅館產業。更遑論對於2008年經濟衰退後,在台灣興起之「短租型套房」。因此,本研究的目的有三:(1) 釐清臺灣短租型套房的定義與其他住宿產業之區別;(2) 以平衡計分卡之四大架構將因素分類;(3) 應用重要性績效分析法建構短租型套房之關鍵成功因素。首先,前測問卷經過住宿業專家效度檢測修正後,將修正後之正式問卷利用立意抽樣法與滾雪球抽樣法,對台灣五都行政區之短租型套房之經營者與管理者進行施測。研究先透過電話徵求同意,再發送e-mail、郵件給受試者,一共發出143份問卷,取得有效問卷53份,有效問卷回收率為37.06%。研究結果顯示,目前台灣五都行政區之短租型套房之關鍵成功因素多集中於顧客構面,需要加強在內部流程構面中客房設計和營運的彈性與反應,與創新與學習構面中創新的策略、提供不同於競爭對手的獨特服務、研究市場的程度等。未來研究可以增加其他城市之短租型套房業者,或將消費者納入研究對象擴大研究範圍。


Existing literature focused on examining the critical success factor (CSF) and performance measurements in bed and breakfast (B&B), budget hotel and small motel in western countries. There are limited researches to investigate the relevant issues in the similar types of lodging industry in Asia. The short-term rental suites (STRS) followed by the homestays or B&B with both diversified room characteristics and low room price strategy first emerged in the urban areas of Taiwan during economic downturn since 2008. The main objectives of this research are three fold: (1) to define the STRS and compare the difference between the STRS and B&B; (2) to differentiate the factors based on the four constructs including finance, customer, internal process, learning and growth in the balanced scorecard (BSC) framework; (3) to utilize the importance-performance analysis (IPA) to establish the CSF for STRS. An expert reference panel test of the questionnaire instrument was given to experts in the lodging industry. The modified questionnaires in the STRS used the purposive and snowball sampling methods. A total of 143 owners and managers in five new special municipalities (Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taichung City, Tainan City and Kaohsiung City) in Taiwan were included in the sample. The response rate is 37.06%, which is equivalent to 53 owners & managers of STRS. The research firstly inquired the responsive intension of the STRS’s owners and managers through the phone. Then the research collected the questionnaire by e-mail or letters from respondents. The empirical results showed that the CSFs of the STRS focused on the customer construct, and the new business model of the STRS in Taiwan needed to enhance the design/look of guest bedrooms, operational flexibility/ responsiveness, Innovation strategy, uniqueness of services relative to competitors, degree of marketing search based on the IPA model. Future research can increase more STRS in other cities, or including customers in the samples that the researching areas would be further extended.


STRS performance measurement CSF IPA BSC


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