  • 學位論文

公益廣告之類型與風格研究─ 以2009至2011年之電視廣告為例

A Study of the types and styles of Public Service Advertising ─ 2009-2011 TV Ads an Example

指導教授 : 劉立行


近年來臺灣各方面發展快速,在食衣住行育樂方面也隨著生活的品質逐漸 優渥,但也因此產生許多社會失序、媒體的亂象,使得過去人心向善、社會向上的渴望與動力逐漸在社會中淡薄。因此本研究透過非營利性質的公益廣告,重新喚醒是社會的愛心、建立社會形象,並從廣告中做公益散佈愛心。 本文公益廣告樣本取自於2009至2011年臺灣公益廣告協會、臺灣公益資訊中心、董氏基金會、創世基金會、富邦文教基金會、臺灣癌症基金會、羅慧夫顱顏基金會、愛滋基金會、罕見疾病基金會、TVBS關懷臺灣文教基金會、兒福聯盟、臺灣少年權益與福利促進聯盟以及中國信託慈善基金,透過次級資料研究法及文本分析法,來探討公益性質廣告做類型風格的探討。 近年來政府、企業、非營利團體對於公益的重視,透過報章媒體等途徑,傳達閱聽人關心的問題及對社會有利的觀念,解決許多社會問題。在2009至2011年的公益廣告類型上以藝人代言及病人親身經歷居多,而在風格上以感性及道德居多。


In recent years the development of all aspects of fast food, clothing, housing, transportation and recreation aspects also lucrative, but gradually with the quality of life resulting social disorder, the chaos of the media, making people to perform good deeds, the desire and the power of social upwardgradually weak in society. Therefore, this research through the non-profit nature of public service ads, to re-awaken the love of the community, the establishment of the social image, and do public service ads to spread love.. This article the PSAs sample taken from 2009-2011 the PSAs Association, the Taiwan public information center, the John Tung Foundation, Genesis Foundation, the Fubon Cultural and Educational Foundation, the Formosa Cancer Foundation, NCF AIDS Fund Council, Foundation for Rare Disorders, TVBS caring for Taiwan Foundation, the child welfare League Foundation, the Taiwan Youth Rights and Welfare of promoting the Union as well as China Trust charitable Fund, through secondary data research method and text analysis, to explore the public nature of advertising type style Discussion. In recent years the government, corporate, non-profit organizations for the public good attention through newspapers and media channels to convey to the audience of people concerned about the problem and socially beneficial concept to solve many social problems. Patients experienced the majority of artists endorsements and the type of public service ads on 2009-2011, the style, sensibility and moral majority.


Bagozzi, R. P., & Moore, D. J. (1994). Public service advertisements: Emotions and empathy guide prosocial behavior. The Journal of Marketing , 58 (1), 56-70.
