  • 學位論文


The Study on The 36th story’s – Culture Images and Spaces of Café

指導教授 : 劉立行


從歐洲中世紀時期開始至今,咖啡文化已經成為一種商品。人們在咖啡館進行消費的同時也在追求它所引起的流行風潮與享受這個地方的人文空間品味。喝咖啡不再只是單純的品嚐飲品,同時亦代表著一種文化社交行為;上咖啡館也表示著一種文化上的交流。時代的變遷使每個時期咖啡館空間氛圍都代表著不同的意涵,值得深思,有深入研究的必要性。 本研究以台灣拍攝電影《第36個故事》為個案,全劇圍繞著劇組為電影劇本量身建造的「朵兒咖啡館」為拍攝場景,劇本以咖啡館為核心出發,描述咖啡館內訊息的流動、萌芽的夢想、心理價值的衡量與咖啡館所呈現的文化空間氛圍。本研究透過量化屬性的內容分析法分析類目,以咖啡館空間、電影角色型態、電影旁白對話與字幕為主要構面分析;繼而加入劇情敘事。目的是從個案中的影像符號以及語言文字兩大類別當中,歸納出影視媒體對咖啡館文化空間主題的操作手法以及其背後的深層意涵。 經過彙整後發現,在影視媒體的操作方式之下,呈現出充滿訊息流動的咖啡館氛圍、自我意識形態昇華與轉換的生活方式與影視媒體自我價值的再創造。使閱聽人感受到咖啡館文化空間所散發出來的意識形態或精神力量。整體而言「咖啡館」雖然隨著時代的變遷產生不同的氛圍與機能性;但仍以咖啡館原型為基礎呈現文化空間氛圍;同時透過影視媒體的傳播給予閱聽大眾嶄新的咖啡館文化空間意涵。本研究之結果更可提供影視相關產業提及「咖啡館」議題時做為參考。


空間意象 咖啡館 文化空間


In Europe, from the middle age till now, the coffee culture has turned into one kind of culture commodity. When people are making the consumption of the coffee, they are also seeking the fashion and enjoying the cultural images from the cafe. Here in Taiwan, along with the economic growth and the changes of the consumption and living styles, people are getting to respect the culture and quality of the diet and life. Having a cup of coffee is not only to taste “coffee” itself, but also representing the behavior of the social culture. Going to the cafe is simultaneously on behalf of the interchanges and communications of the culture. During the time transitions, the cafe is to stand for the different meanings and functions of each time frame. The Taiwan film (The 36th story) , the 「朵兒咖啡館」was the entire play construction and also the body for the photography scene. The drama took the “café” as the core to start off and extend the rationality and the passion inside of the café. The story described the different characters going around in the cafe, the running emotions, the budding dreams, the judgment of the psychological value and the ideology of people go to the café. Furthermore, the cultural images and spaces inside of the café were the key role in this drama which affected the messages about the café that the director would like to pass to the public. The current research papers about the café were more like hardware equipment and practical operations as the principal, no many discussions and concepts of the cultural images and spaces. Therefore, it is imperative to talk about the cultural images and spaces behind the café. This research was based on Taiwan film (The 36th story) as the case. First, use the content analysis way to analysis the category, In accordance with the content of the drama, generalize the narrative form, the subject and the structure. From the two different categories - the image signs and language writing were to sum up the operations and the deep meanings of the cultural images and spaces of the café for the film, television and media.


Space images Coffee shop The cultural space


