  • 學位論文


Social Functioning of Young Children with Developmental Delays in Inclusive Education Environment

指導教授 : 盧台華


「發展遲緩幼兒在融合教育環境中社會行為表現研究」摘要 本研究旨在探討發展遲緩幼兒在融合教育環境中社會行為表現及相關影響因素,分量化與對三位個案的質化研究兩部份進行。 量化研究部份,研究者自編「學齡前兒童學校適應行為重要性調查表」,請台北市100所幼稚園及托兒所的414位普通幼教老師評量其中99項社會行為的重要性,並參考教師意見結果及相關文獻編製「學齡前兒童社會行為評量表」。研究者使用自編「學齡前兒童社會行為評量表」,請台北市68所幼稚園及托兒所教師對348位正常幼兒及131位有發展遲緩或疑似發展遲緩的幼兒作評量。對三位個案的研究部份,主要採質化方法進行,研究者在88年5月至12月間在台北市某托兒所對在同一個班級內就讀的三位唐氏症幼兒進行研究,採用現場觀察、教師訪談、文件參閱、同儕社會地位評量、同儕意見收集等方式,對三位幼兒在托兒所的社會行為及相關影響因素進行探究。本研究的主要發現如下: 一、 與適應融合教育環境有關的重要社會行為探討 1. 在適應性行為方面,教師較看重與教室常規及學習有關的行為,較不看重人際互動或與獨立自主有關的行為。在不適應行為方面,教師較不能忍受干擾與破壞性較大的外向性不適應及不專注/過動的行為,而較能忍受內向性不適應行為。多元迴歸結果顯示規範性行為與不專注/過動行為最能預測教師評量之安置恰當程度。 2.同儕社會地位評量結果顯示,一般幼兒較重視的是同儕的互動能力、利社會行為、守規矩等,較排斥有攻擊性、不守規矩、干擾他人的行為。而非社會行為因素如儀容表情、遊戲能力、友誼、熟悉度等也會影響同儕的喜好或排斥。 二、自編「學齡前兒童社會行為評量表」信效度研究 自編「學齡前兒童社會行為評量表」可得出8個因素,在適應行為部份,包括規範性、互動性、自主性、專注學習、自主學習五個因素,在不適應行為部份,則有不專注/過動、內向性不適應、外向性不適應等三個因素;8個分量表的內部一致性與重測信度平均皆為.89,評量者間信度平均.72。 三、對發展遲緩幼兒在融合教育環境中社會行為表現的研究 量化研究顯示,發展遲緩幼兒在規範性、互動性、自主性、專注學習、自主學習等五個適應行為分量表的得分顯著低於一般幼兒,且有較多不專注/過動及內向性不適應問題,但兩組幼兒在外向性不適應問題上無顯著差異。尚未獲鑑定的疑似發展遲緩組幼兒比已獲鑑定的發展遲緩組幼兒的學習專注行為表現較差且有較多外向性不適應行為。不同障礙類別幼兒間的社會行為表現有顯著差異,尤以自閉症組幼兒的整體表現較差。 對三位個案的質化研究顯示個案在主動性、回應性、合作性行為上均有缺陷;三位個案對同儕最常出現的主動行為是靠近觀察、參與遊戲、展示物品的行為;三位個案很少主動邀請同儕遊戲,很少表現親愛、主動分享、主動幫助他人的行為,也常拒絕或不回應同儕的互動邀請;個案與同儕的合作大多發生在體能、律動等活動中,在象徵遊戲上的合作有限。三位個案都有不專注、干擾團體學習的行為,但是其中兩位有較多的違抗、攻擊等外向性不適應行為。三位個案的同儕社會地位分屬受歡迎、受排斥、受爭議等不同類型。 四、對社會行為影響因素的探討 1. 性別、年齡、家庭社經地位、出生序、家中手足人數不同的正常幼兒的社會行為表現有顯著差異。 2. 影響發展遲緩幼兒社會行為表現的因素包括個人、同儕、情境、教師、學校、家庭等次環境中諸多因素,且環環相扣,交互影響。 研究者根據以上結果,對發展遲緩幼兒在融合教育環境中的社會行為評量與介入以及未來研究方向等提出建議。


Social Functioning of Young Children with Developmental Delays in Inclusive Education Environment ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the social functioning of young children with developmental delays and possible contributing factors in inclusive education environment. The study was approached with quantitative and qualitative methods. Perceptions of 414 teachers in 100 daycare centers and kindergartens in Taipei City were collected to identify important social behaviors for classroom functioning. The result was taken to develop the Social Competence Scale for Young Children(SCSYC). A sample of 348 normal children and 131 children with various handicaps was used to examine the reliability and validity of the SCSYC. Besides, the researcher conducted an in-depth qualitative study of three children with Down's syndrome in an inclusive classroom for about 7 months to investigate their social functioning and possible environmental influence. Teachers rated compliance and learning behaviors more important than interpersonal interaction and personal autonomy. Extroverted behaviors were rated as the least tolerable, followed by inattentive/ hyperactive behaviors and introverted behaviors. Eight factors were derived from the SCSYC,good to acceptable reliability and validity evidence was obtained in the study. Children with developmental delays performed significantly poorer than normal children on the five adaptive scales on SCSYC, and they had more inattentive/hyperactive and introverted behavior problems. The two groups did not differ significantly on severity of extroverted behavior problems. The scale was also shown to discriminate children with different backgrounds including sex, age, family socioeconomic status, birth order, and number of siblings. The three subjects with Down's syndrome exhibited social skill deficits and maladaptive behaviors. Their initiative behaviors were characteristics of those of younger children, consisting mainly of approaching , observing , showing off and joining peer's play. More complicated interactions such as praising, showing affection, leading play, sharing objects were rarely observed. They had difficulties in cooperative symbolic play, and their responses to peers' initiation were often inappropriate. The three subjects all had problems attending in large group activities;besides, the two boys had aggressive and disobedient problem behaviors too. Peer sociometric status of the subjects differed and factors other than social competency were suspected to have impact on peer social status. Multiple factors within the realm of the individual, peer , teacher, settings, school, and family were proposed to influence the social functioning of young children with developmental delays. Implications for the findings were discussed as to their significance in social skill development and social competence assessment and intervention in inclusive education environment.


曾慶玲(民87):父母親婚姻暴力對兒童問題行為影響研究。 台北市:國立師範大學師大家政教育研究所碩士論文。


